
Business or operational risks and their consequences

Problem: Develop a BCP for a manufacturing type organization that demonstrates the different types of risks, their evaluation and remediation through the following:

1) Identification and evaluation of business or operational risks and their consequences

2) The development of remedial actions designed to all the continuance of business functions to an acceptable level

3) The development of a test plan for the business continuity plan (BCP)

4) Comparison of your BCP with those suggested by government authorities

5) Justification of the BCP in light of government suggested plans

6) The development of an implementation plan for the BCP - ie ensuring that when the BCP is invoked it works.


- Demonstrated capacity to draw comparisons between the special features of business risks, operational risks and project risks

- Demonstrated understanding of managing business risks, operational risks and project risks

- Demonstrated understanding of implementing risk management principles in the development of organizational strategies to handle, monitor and control identified risks

- Demonstrated knowledge of the practical requirements of implementing Risk Management plans

- Ability to evaluate differences between the BCP of the organization with those suggested by the government authority and to justify the plan against the government authorities plan

- Logical and concise structure and organization of the report including adequate referencing

- Demonstrated comprehension and rigor in presentation

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Other Management: Business or operational risks and their consequences
Reference No:- TGS01786607

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