Business News Article Analysis and Presentation
For the business news article analysis and presentation, you are to pick a current event business story and analyze it in detail, given various topics we have discussed in class and in other finance and business courses. This analysis should be a maximum 5 pages in length, double spaced, 12- point font. The presentation must be a minimum of 5 minutes in length.
You are free to pick any event that has occurred from September 2017 to February 2018, however can't in anyway relate to the firm that you picked for your Analyst Report. The article should be long enough to allow for some detailed analysis about the topic. Your report should include a copy of the article that appeared in the business media during the time period above. You may refer to various sources such as the Globe and Mail, the National Post, the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, Barron's, Business Week, Canadian Business, or various websites.
Each report must include an executive summary (maximum length of one page) outlining key issues and conclusion. Figures and tables should be put in an appendix at the end of the report. All tables and figures must be numbered and all pages (including pages with tables and figures) must also be numbered.
Your analysis will be graded in terms of clarity of writing, your synthesis of the material (i.e., how well you draw together relevant course material and relate it to the issue discussed in the article), your critique of the author's thesis, your analysis of the issue, and the style of writing (including spelling and grammar).