Business managers have an ethical and fiduciary duty obligation to internally assist companies with their operations to make a profit. This means that your decisions concerning human capital needs to be about company opportunities to make and sustain income and revenue. If you fail at this task, you will have a short-lived career. Promoting a diverse and talented resource pool of employees under the law is a requirement from the standpoint of an open and existing work environment concerning protected classes of workers.
Please discuss how economic resources and considerations are hurt by the business manager who allows bias to hinder his or her obligation to make a profit with the best use of human capital. This means passing on hiring the most talented individual available based on considerations out side of market parameters. For example, hiring a minority that could have earned the company $10MM when the chosen hire merely earns a whopping $10K for company. You should use EE law discussions from the text to support your answers through policy rationales and penalty consideration aspects of labor laws concerning equality.
Your response should be no less than 1250 words and no more than 1500 words how business managers might consider operational structures to guide and assist with promoting diversity in the workplace.