
Business leadership and business

Signature Assignment: Business Leadership and Business Integration/Strategic Management Project 
The Board of Directors for ABC Complete Kitchens, Inc. has one more requirement for you before they are ready to turn operations over to the executive team. The board members would like your input regarding leadership of the new plant and the strategic environment in which the plant will operate. They have requested that you prepare a detailed description and discussion of the strategic environment, internally and externally, that will help formulate an overall strategic plan for the new manufacturing plant.
Review the resources listed in the Books and Resources area below to prepare for this week's assignment.

Activity Resources:
Sullivan, D. 2011 Business strategies for organizational effectiveness within the global perspective. 
Instruction:Read Chapters 13 and 14

Assignment : Develop a Strategic Presentation (25 Points) Due: 01/11/2015
Activity Description:
Research and create a presentation that describes and discusses the strategic environment of the new manufacturing plant using a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis process. Your analysis should consider not just the new start-up plant, but also the manufacturing industry as a whole. 

Length: 8-10 slides (with a separate reference slide) with outline information on the slides themselves and a minimum of 100 -150 words in the Notes section for EACH slide. 

On the final two content slides of your presentation develop a job description for a supervisor position within the organization and a job description for an employee position within the organization.

Length: 1 slide per job description (minimum of 100 words each).

Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style. Make sure your presentation follows good PowerPoint design principles (e.g., readable font, uses one template, one-inch borders around the slides) and contains transitions, builds, and animation when appropriate. 

The last slide(s) in the presentation should be the list of references you used for the assignment in APA format. For this assignment, you do not need to use outside resources and references for the PowerPoint presentation. All the information you need for this assignment is included within the custom-published e-book. However, you are expected to use material from your e-book and properly cite it in the presentation Notes.

Save the files as a PPT with the correct course code information.
Upload your assignment using the Upload Assignment button below.

Activity Learning Outcomes:
2.0 Investigate the steps used in evaluation and control in the executive management and integrative planning of an organization at the strategic level.  

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Business Management: Business leadership and business
Reference No:- TGS0909320

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