
Business leaders shaping the future through sustainability

Project description:

Included are the assignment instructions based on using SPSS software. The SPSS software must be used for the tables etc. The paper should be 5-6 pages including scholarly references. I will include all info including my research question and title of project which are as follows:

Title of project: Business Leaders Shaping the Future through Sustainability

Research Question: How can business leaders in the telecommunications industry shape the future of the telecommunications industry to arrive at a sustainable business value?

Assignment instructions:Application: Analyzing SPSS (PASW) Software

For this assignment you use SPSS (PASW) software and learn to properly munipulate the data according the APA requirements. This is an important skill and will be a major factor in future assignments in this course, your doctoral studies and dissertation. It is strongly encouraged that you review Chapter 5 of the APA Publication Manual to understand table and figure requirements before starting. & the

APPLICATION DIRECTINS FOR THESPSS software: Application Directions

1. Open the Main Dataset file located in Resources and use the File > Open > Data function to import the data into PASW, making sure to import only the range from A1 to J52 on the Excel worksheet.

2. Add an ordinal variable to the PASW worksheet titled EXPERIENCE, with three classifications Low (0 to 5 years), Medium (6 to 10 years) and High (11+ years).

3. Enter Low for supervisors BOS-1, BOS-4, BOS-7, BOS-10, BOS-13, PHO-1, PHO-4, PHO-7, PHO-10, PHO-13, PHO-16, PHO-19, SEA-1, SEA-4, SEA-7, SEA-10, SEA-13, and SEA-16. Use Medium for supervisors BOS-2, BOS-5, BOS-8, BOS-11, BOS-14, PHO-2, PHO-5, PHO-8, PHO-11, PHO-14, PHO-17, SEA-2, SEA-5, SEA-8, SEA-11, SEA-14, and SEA-17. Use High for BOS-3, BOS-6, BOS-9, BOS-12, BOS-15, PHO-3, PHO-6, PHO-9, PHO-12, PHO-15, PHO-18, SEA-3, SEA-6, SEA-9, SEA-12, and SEA-15.

4. Ensure all variables are designated as numeric, except for Site, Supervisor, SupervisorGender, Experience and Operations, which are string variables.

5. Save the file to your computer under a unique name, ensuring that Site (width = 7; Nominal), Supervisor (width = 6; Nominal), Experience (width = 8; Ordinal), NumEmps (width = 11; Scale), HoursWorked (width = 11; Scale), SupervisorGender (width =6; Nominal), PerSafeBeh (width = 11; Scale), InjuryRate (width = 13; Scale), Safety Climate (width = 11; Scale), Risk (width = 11; Nominal) and Operations (width = 50; Nominal). Al variables are String, except for the Scale variables which are numeric.

6. Open the file and ensure all data are included on the PASW file. Eliminate extraneous variables, usually in the columns led or headed by terms like VAR00011, VAR00012, etc.

7. Create a coded new variable titled ExperiencedCoded using the Transform > Recode Into Different Variables where Low = 1, Medium = 2, and High = 3.

8. Expand fields as necessary to ensure the names of the variables (top row) can be seen

9. Create a Descriptive Statistics Table. Use the instructions from Week 1 and create a Descriptive Statistics table conforming with APA 6th edition requirements to display the N, range , mean, standard deviation and variance. Other information should be suppressed and not displayed.

10. Create an APA 6th edition conforming line graph that plots safety climate on the x-axis and injury rate on the y-axis.

11. Create an APA 6th edition table summarizing results of a regression analysis from PASW. This is performed by clicking the following PASW sequence Analyze > Regression > Linear. Select InjuryRate as the dependent variable and SafetyClimate as the independent variable. Under Method, select Enter. Click OK and the tables should appear.

12. The previous regression analysis generated only one important table among the numerous tables published. For the purpose of this assignment only refer to the ANOVA table. Specifically, the regression analysis generated F = 0.008 p = 0.930 indicating that safety climate, as a predictor of injury rate, was not significant since p > 0.05. This is visibly apparent from the line graph presented in step 11 which shows very little alignment (or correlation) between safety climate and injury rate. In addition, this chart shows a high degree of variation suggesting difficulty in predicting mean injury rate at any point in time. Note the high standard deviation for safety climate scores as a proportion of the overall 7 point scale. By the way, the preceding comments must be provided, and expanded upon in your analysis for this weeks assignment.

13. Create an APA 6th edition formatted pie chart displaying the number of hours worked by site, complete with a legend. Chapter 5 of the Publication Manual provides the required formatting.

14. Copy and paste tables (descriptive statistics, ANOVA regression tables) and figures (pie chart and line graph) to a Microsoft Word document. You must then manually manipulate the tables and figures to conform to APA 6th edition requirements. Remember, PASW tables and figures copied to Microsoft Word do not conform to APA. Look at the Manual very carefully, noting details such as border design, border location and allowances, title numbers, names and formatting, etc.

If you have any question please email @[email protected]

Follow the directions for using SPSS (PASW) in this assignment.

You will then write a 5-6 page paper in which you present your table and an analysis of your findings. Keep in mind that you cannot draw conclusions without further testing. Instead identify notable trends, patterns, relationships, associations, etc. Your paper must meet the following requirements.

Include an opening including thesis statement, body and conclusion

Include a properly stated research question

Include an examination on whether your hypothesis was accepted or rejected through statistical testing

Include a background, history and objective

Include a properly formatted null and alternative hypothesis was validated or rejected through statistical testing

Include a presentation, interpretation and discussion of results from the tables and figures created

Follow APA (American Psychological Association) style and include in-text citations and a separate references page

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Other Subject: Business leaders shaping the future through sustainability
Reference No:- TGS01435926

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