
Business-internal service system customers receiving the

1. Demonstrate that each of the following situations can be represented as a basic queuing process by identify its components. How would you define the corresponding queuing system?
a. The checkout stations at a supermarket
Queuing System: Commercial Service System. Server would be the cashier and customer would be checking out. Service can also be the self check out. Customer travels to a specific location.
Calling population: Infinite
Arrival Process: Customer leaves house to food stop parking lot, enters food store and selects items to be purchased and then arrives at check out station.
Queue Configuration: multiple line configuration
Queue Discipline: FCFS
Service Mechanism: Multiple facilities, multiple servers
b. The tollboth at a road-toll checkpoint
Queuing System: Transportation Service System. Vehicles be either the customer are server. In this example the car is the customer waiting for the tollbooth.
Calling population: Infinite
Arrival Process: Car leaves location and gets on highway, then approaches toll
Queue Configuration: multiple line configuration
Queue Discipline: FIFO
Service Mechanism: One facility, multiple servers.
c. An auto shop or garage
Queuing System: Commercial Service System: Server would be the the auto mechanic and the customer would be the person who owns the car. Customers travels to the specific location.
Calling population: Finite. Limited to a set number of vehicles for service. Larger number of broken down vehicles implies fewer are on the road.
Arrival Process: Car is taken to shop or garage when a repair is needed. Auto shop is contacted to set time or determine when they can take the car. Car is taken to shop to be repaired.
Queue Configuration: multiple line configuration
Queue Discipline: Based on processing time; type of job
Service Mechanism: One facility, multiple servers

d. An emergency rescue unit
Queuing System: Social Service Systems. The customer is in the emergency room and the doctors and medics are the servers.
Calling population: Finite. Larger number of emergencies implies that is one less emergency
Arrival Process: Customer arrives in ambulance or taken to emergency room. Based on health condition and/or injury.
Queue Configuration: single line configuration.
Queue Discipline: preemptive
Service Mechanism: one input gives one output

e. A plumber
Queuing System: Commercial Service System. Server would be plumber. In this instance the server travels to the customer.
Calling population: Homogeneous. Works on plumbing related services only. Not a handyman that would for on several. That would be heterogeneous.
Arrival Process: Plumber is contacted by customer when plumbing is not working correctly. Plumber takes call and goes to customer house.
Queue Configuration: Single line configuration
Queue Discipline: Based on processing time; type of job
Service Mechanism: multiple facilities, one server

f. A bus station
Queuing System: Transportation Service System. The bus is a server and transportating customers between locations.
Calling population: Finite. Number of seats on the customer and customers will either bring in more customers or keep them away to wait for next bus or stop them from being able to get on the bus.
Arrival Process: Customer goes to bus station to catch the bus at a particular time.
Queue Configuration: single line configuration
Queue Discipline: FCFS
Service Mechanism: one facility, multiple servers

g. The materials-handling equipment at a production facility
Queuing System: Business-Internal Service System. Customers receiving the service are internal to the organization providing the service.
Calling population: Homogeneous. Only one type of marterial that is being handled
Arrival Process: materials is on conveyor belt and goes through equipment.
Queue Configuration: single line configuration.
Queue Discipline: FIFO
Service Mechanism: Several inputs put together to one output

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Business Management: Business-internal service system customers receiving the
Reference No:- TGS0562752

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