
Business continuity management and cyber security

Assignment: Continuity of Operations Planning

Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 350 words.

Providing essential services in the midst of a disaster is paramount to our nation's security and well-being. Discussions will focus upon planning approaches aimed at attaining such goals; business continuity management and cyber security.

1.Business continuity management and cyber security are two primary approaches that private sector organizations can implement to enhance their ability to provide essential services when facing a critical incident. Offer an in-depth comparison (overall goals, program components, resources needed, etc.) between these continuity planning initiatives.

2. In Nelson's article, Business continuity management in the United States: Where is it heading? she discusses the impact of PPD-21 on private sector preparedness. In light of its primary focus on cyber security, she poses the question, "Will cyber security replace traditional business continuity management because of our reliance on technology?" So in regards to Nelson's question, do you feel such a transition will take place? Why or why not?

Be sure and support your responses from the assigned readings as well as other applicable resources .

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Other Subject: Business continuity management and cyber security
Reference No:- TGS02122299

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