
Business communication-building a tip sheet


I am to build a tip sheet and I am not good at finding strengths or weaknesses about myself. So here is a little about me, I wasn't sure if you could help me put it together:

Not good with grammar or punctuation. My spelling is very good. I tend to use too many words. I suppose my tone can be too formal sometimes. I think my clarity is good but suppose I could use some work. I am not sure of my style.

I think my academic and formal writing is both done well. I suppose my audience reacts ok? Never really spoke to an audience. I think I am being perceived in a business manner. I use good grammar when speaking. Sometimes I talk fast, but I did take a speech class which helped me overcome that. My volume was good, I was loud and clear. I don't think I use too many words when speaking try to keep it short, yet to the point. I am a good listener. I usually let others speak first. It depends on what I am doing if I speak too much or not enough. I believe once I learned to slow down the clarity was good. Sometimes my tone is more nervous, but I would have to say that with the public speaking class that got better as well. When speaking in a meeting or class if it is a topic I know well I am fine, otherwise, I get nervous. Formal presentations make me nervous, probably because I have never done one. I am more outgoing in social settings, tend to clam up in formal ones. If nervous my audience can see that. I am not sure how they perceive me. Can you help at all?

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Other Management: Business communication-building a tip sheet
Reference No:- TGS01770445

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