
Business communication 512 - you have been asked to

The purpose of an assignment is to ensure that the Learner is able to:

- Use methods of enquiry and research in a disciplined field.
- Interpret and evaluate text.
- Have a sound understanding of key principles and theories, rules and awareness.
- Solve unfamiliar problems using correct procedures as well as investigate and critically analyse information and report thereof.
- Present and communicate information reliably and coherently.

Instructions and guidelines for writing assignments
1. Use the correct cover page provided by the institution.

2. All essay type assignments must include the following:
Table of contents

Main body with subheadings
Conclusions and recommendations

3. The length of the entire assignment must have minimum of 5 pages. Font size: 11. Font style: Calibri and 1.5 line spacing.

4. The quality of work submitted is more important than the number of assigned pages.

5. Copying is a serious offence which attracts a severe penalty and must be avoided at all costs. If any learner transgresses this rule, the lecturer will retain the assignments and ask the affected learners to resubmit a new assignment which will be capped at 50%.

6. Use the Harvard referencing method.


You have been asked to investigate several customer complaints regarding the supply of cheese in your local supermarket. Your terms of reference are:
- Investigate the customers complaints regarding the cheese
- Record these complaints and analyse them
- Draw conclusions about whether the complaints are justified or not.
- Recommend specific action.

Present your findings using the following guidelines:
- Terms of reference (5)
- Summary (5)
- Table of Contents (4)
- Introduction (7)
- Findings (3)
- Conclusions (3)
- Recommendations (3)


With the aid of theory, discuss the importance and value of graphics in mass communication.


- Use a minimum of five (5) recent textbooks to prepare your assignment.

- If you are using information from the internet, ensure that you write in your own words and reference the site correctly.

- Be critical and support your discussions with practical examples and theory.

- Write in complete sentences and use paragraphs. You may use headings and subheadings as required.

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Business Management: Business communication 512 - you have been asked to
Reference No:- TGS01719514

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