Question 1. "Fast Food Franchise" Answer the following:
- Choose two fast food franchises, such as McDonalds and Burger King, and examine their facility layouts. Compare and contrast both food franchises, and discuss the differences in their layouts.
- Evaluate how each of the layouts enhance or hinder productivity and the customer experience. Support your answer.
Question 2. "Evaluating Supply Chain Performance" Answer the following:
- Choose a company that sells a service or a product.
- Evaluate its supply chain performance effectiveness in terms of responsiveness, technology, and customer-related measures.
- Determine at least three areas of effectiveness and three areas of deficiencies that can impact the competitive position of the company you chose in Part 1 of this discussion. Suggest ways the deficiencies can be improved. Provide at least two examples to support your answer.
Question 3. "Business and Government Relations" Answer the following:
- Discuss the main reasons why a business should or should not be involved in political discussions or take a political stand. Use terms to demonstrate your understanding of the material.
Question 4. "Owning the Market" Answer the following:
- Identify a company in your local or generalized area that you would classify as a monopoly. Explain the key reasons why you classified the company as a monopoly, and state how the company operates relative to at least two (2) characteristics of that particular market.
Question 5. "Power of Observation" Answer the following:
- Select one of the following concepts to examine: in-group / out-group, bystander effect, conformity, nonconformity, foot-in-the-door strategy, or door-in-the-face strategy. Next, describe one (1) situation in which you observed the concept chosen. (Situations can be anything from observing people in a grocery store to interacting with your children or a colleague, among many others.) Then, identify the concept you observed and discuss how it relates to the situation.