Never-Forgotten Funeral Services in Toowoomba is owned by Elvira Crow who inherited the business from her parents and operates it with one loyal assistant, Freddy, who continued to work after her own parents retired. It operates through phone calls and paper-based record keeping.
Elvira has a good reputation for her care and professionalism at the sad time of someone's death. She receives much of her business from managers of the many aged care nursing homes and retirement villages around Toowoomba who recommend her services to families when one of their residents dies.
In the funeral business nothing can be left to chance and Elvira is anxious to protect the good reputation of Never-Forgotten. Activities involved in planning a funeral include notifying government authorities, discussing the plans with the impacted family, preparing funeral notices for newspapers and online media, preparing a schedule of activities and costs for family approval, booking a cemetery/cremation service including a burial plot or place for the deceased person's remains, booking a place of worship or alternative location for the funeral service, scheduling the driver of the hearse and other vehicles, arranging for a viewing of the deceased person if required by the family, arranging flower if required, arranging for a religious leader or other celebrant according to the wishes of the family, arranging music if required, and sending the final invoice to the family after the funeral.
Elvira would like a web-site so she can meet with families and help them choose all aspects of the funeral; the system would automatically notify all other stakeholders to ensure nothing is left to chance. She has heard you have studied Business Analysis and asks you for help.
QUESTION 1 Define options to address problem/opportunity. Structure options in a table with pros, cons, risks, expected costs, benefits. Clearly indicate your preferred option and state why you have selected this based on your analysis
QUESTION 2 Write a System Vision statement
QUESTION 3 Work Breakdown Structure
Analyse the project and produce a 1-page Work Breakdown Structure
QUESTION 4 Stakeholders. Develop a list of stakeholders (all persons, groups and institutions who may have an interest in the project and the nature of their interest) and how you will approach them to seek information and/or participation
QUESTION 5 Provide an "AS IS" process using Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) or UML (Unified Modelling Language)
QUESTION 6 Develop a one-page table of key requirements (product backlog) from the perspectives of each of the stakeholders (user stories) using Agile format "As a .... I want to that.."). The Product backlog should be in a spreadsheet format
QUESTION 7 Develop a "TO BE" process using BPMN or UML
QUESTION 8 Object classes
Draw five key object class diagrams with attributes
QUESTION 9 Write a list of the key functionalities of the system (write a functional and non-functional specification)
QUESTION 10 Compare your As is and To be diagrams to prepare a briefing note for the Organisational change and Training Team regarding the anticipated business impact of the system. You should make recommendations on how these business impacts can be managed
QUESTION 11 From a business perspective categorise the backlog using the MOSCOW requirement prioritization method (or other similar method - in which case you must name the method and give a reference) and identify the stories that makes your minimum viable product
QUESTION 12 Develop a screen design for two MUST stories created above and identify any business rules; justify your design
QUESTION 13 Write all acceptance criteria for these two stories to be done