
Bus703710 research project - qualitative research when do

Research Project - Qualitative Research

Interview-based, semi-structured, qualitative research

- What is qualitative research?

- Why is qualitative research? ...what is it's primary role/goal in business/education?

- When do we use qualitative research method instead of quantitative research method? When do we use qualitative research with quantitative research?

- What research topics suit qualitative research? What areas do we focus on?

What will our research topic / primary research question be this semester?

Comparing the expectation of value to a student commencing their MPA study at KOI with that same student's anticipated career, personal, further value outcome post-graduation - an indepth insight'

- What is a ‘literature review' & why must we conduct one?

- What is a ‘research gap'? ...and what are ‘secondary research questions'?

-How do we collect data when conducting qualitative research?
...the interview

-What are open ‘How & why...?' questions?
the semi-structured interview = deeper, richer

-Why must we receive Ethics Committee approval to conduct qualitative research and how do we gain that approval?

-How do we record interview data? ...and get interview participant approval?

-How to we meaningfully analyse interview data to draw robust conclusions?

-How do organise our reporting of this? ...the 5-chapter Perry presentation framework

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Dissertation: Bus703710 research project - qualitative research when do
Reference No:- TGS02733300

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