
Bus5va visual analytics - data visualisation using r -


Data Visualisation

1. Using the data contained in the ‘epldata.csv' file, create a visualisation that shows:
- The relationship between Wikipedia page views and market value for soccer players in the epldata data set.
- A linear trend line fitted to the data.
- The outlier players highlighted and identified.

2. Using the same data as question 1.
a) Create a visualisation showing the distribution of market value by playing position that highlights which position has the highest median value.
b) Create a visualisation showing the distribution of player ages, facetted by position category.
c) Create a visualisation showing the amount of Fantasy Premier League points accumulated in the previous season for the highest scoring 5% of players.

3. Using the data contained in the file ‘aushealth.csv', create a visualisation that shows:
- How the proportion of the population with each health condition has changed over time.
- The health condition that has increased the most in the data set.

4. Using the data contained in the file ‘crime.csv' and the ggmap R package, create a visualisation that shows:
- The spatial density of different offense types in the Houston area (excluding Theft)

5. Using the data contained in the file ‘stocks.csv', create an interactive data visualisation using the shiny
R package that allows the user to:
- View the change over time of either price or volume traded of a chosen share.
- Allow the user to compare between two or more shares at once.

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Dissertation: Bus5va visual analytics - data visualisation using r -
Reference No:- TGS02904644

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