
Bus413 -nbsp write a brief biography and historical

Project instructions

1. Title page - This should include the project title and names of all group members. You can also list the name of your teacher.

2. Appendix and Bibliography - Use appendices to contain information which is peripheral to the main body of the report. Document the data collected from a text book, a magazine, or a website identifying its sources while using the appropriate form.

3. Group members-You are requested to join a student group; each group consists of 2-4 students. Each group should work independently of the other groups.

4. Project Submission-Moodle: in addition to the hard copy, students should submit written reports in soft copy through the Moodle system which is available online at https://ect.ac.ae/elearn/. Each group has to submit one soft copy of the project to ECT Moodle website before 10/07/2013.

II. Guidelines for writing the project

- Think of one example of a good leader, select wise and practical leader e.g. (political, business, social leader,..) . Give reasons why he/she is a good leader.

- Write a brief Biography and historical analysis that explain the origins and significance events of the leader.

- Explain the main qualities of this leader that affect success in five aspects of his life, with examples.

- Clarify the leadership style of this leader; support your analysis with examples.

- Describe effective leadership behaviors of this leader according to the Three-Dimensional Taxonomy (Task-Oriented Behaviors, Relations-Oriented Behaviors, and Change-Oriented Behaviors) through mentioning critical incidents.

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Business Management: Bus413 -nbsp write a brief biography and historical
Reference No:- TGS01672418

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