
Bus405 2015a - discuss which statistical tests to apply for

Part -1:

Please answer 3 questions, of which Question 1 is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Please do not write over 2000 words for the entire assignment.

1) For the following scatter plot, what would be your best estimate of the correlation coefficient?


2) Elaborated with examples and supportive references as to how can index numbers be helpful in understanding time-related data?

3) Discuss which statistical tests to apply for different types of data and how to interpret the results. Support your answer with suitable examples and supportive references.

4) Nonparametric statistical techniques are based on fewer assumptions about the population and the parameters compared to parametric statistical techniques. Discuss this statement with suitable examples and supportive references.

Part -2:

Course Scholarly Paper

When writing your scholarly paper, please note the following guidelines:

Select one of the given three topic areas below to write your scholarly paper no less than 1000 words (excluding the title page, bibliography and appendices). Please e-mail your professor an outline of this paper, prior to starting it. In addition to your primary text, you are required to use a minimum of 5 additional references from professional journals and books to produce your scholarly paper.

1. Exploring Different Data Collection Methods.

2. A Study into Numerical Descriptive Measures.

3. Exploring Basic Probability and Discrete Probability Distributions.

4. A Study into Different Types of Distributions.

5. Fundamentals of Hypothesis Designing and Testing.

6. Free Topic: If you do not like to select any of the given topics, as an alternation, you could write the scholarly paper by choosing a topic related to this subject area.

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Basic Statistics: Bus405 2015a - discuss which statistical tests to apply for
Reference No:- TGS01663676

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