
Bus100 - if a business drops its price will it always

Professional Communication Skills

Topic - If a business drops its price will it always increase demand - and will it always make more profit?

Annotated Bibliography

Find 5 sources relating to the Trimester Topic

In your 5 sources you must have

At least 1 peer reviewed journal article

At least 1 website which discusses the topic

At least 1 magazine or newspaper article

At least 1 of the sources reviewed must fail to meet some or all of the 3 criteria of good supporting material

Wiki anything and About.com MUST NOT be included in your sources - good or otherwise.

For each source:

Cite the material correctly using Harvard (Anglia) referencing style

Briefly summarise the main findings or arguments of the source

Briefly critique (evaluate) the source's usefulness, reliability, objectivity or bias, assessing its strengths and/or weaknesses as if you were writing a research paper on the topic given.

Points 2 and 3 should be between 100 and 160 words per source (500 - 800 words total).

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Dissertation: Bus100 - if a business drops its price will it always
Reference No:- TGS02395788

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