
Bus 622 - project management - write a scope statement

Project Management Term Assignment


Project tools and Information System Term Paper

The major purpose of the paper is to give you an opportunity to apply and demonstrate your understanding of the tools and principles covered in the class to a project of your choice. Preferably, the project should be one from your past, present, or future career work situation. If this is not feasible, pack a project you would like to do that sufficient magnitude to demonstrate all the tools and principles covered. (A one or two-person project is too small to meet the needs of the project) In some cases you may take a large project and only operate on a subnet of a major project. Extra points are given for creativity and for those projects that demonstrate your understanding of the total project management information system. Some "doctoring" of your projects may be necessary to allow you to demonstrate use of the tools.

The paper should essentially follow the process outlined on the class materials. That is write a scope statement, identify deliverables, and develop a WEIS & OR S structure with cost account numbers, work packages and budgets, Use this information to develop a project network plan using AOA or AON format for setting tasks and budgets on a timeline. Next, schedule the resources and identify scheduling conflicts which will require revising the plan (even if you assume your project is time constrained). After the schedule is in place, make a financial requirements schedule for the finance group of your organization. Identify potential management issues (i.e.., motivation problems, conflicts) that are likely to arise in completing this project, What should you, as the project manager, look out for in mat-aging this project? What are the keys to success?

Next, assume the project has been in process 30-70 percent of the project duration and has not materialized as planned in schedule and budget. Give a status report on schedule and cost variance. Give management a rollup of schedule and cost variance in your WRS/OBS.

Discuss options and associated trade-offs for responding to delays and cost overruns from the perspective of the project being time or resource constrained. Choose and justify an appropriate response given the nature and purpose of your project, Discuss a specific management problem you encountered and how you resolved it. Be sure to remember hint B below


A. Probably best to limit the number of activities in your project to 15-25 activities to keep the paper manageable. Use a subnet or synthesize your project if your project is large,

B. The report is NOT a ream of computer output. Use a narrative to explain each section. Explain the managerial implications of each section. The narrative is as important as your application of the tools and systems of the course to your plloject,

C. Pick a project that allows you to demonstrate the principles discussed in class.

D. Think ahead to the resources that will be used. The project should involve more than two people.

E. Keep the number of activities to a reasonable level, The numbers in earned value can become complex quickly.

F. Assume that this report is being reviewed by top management, Her time is precious, so organize your report so that it is easy to comprehend and follow,

C. Constructing patios, garages, barns, and trivial projects are not valid term projects.

H. At the same time be realistic and create a project scenario that is either resource constrained andior time constrained.

I. To avoid panic adhere to completion of sub-components as stated in the course schedule.

Remember, your charge is to demonstrate your understanding of the systems, tools, and concepts discussed in the class through your project and narrative.

Note: If you have another type of project in mind, discuss your ideas with the instructor. Alternative projects are encouraged! However, any alternative projects must be cleared. with the instructor.

Use the following outline for the presentation:

I Project Plan

A. Project scope Statement

B. Assessment of cost, time, and performance trade-off


D. Network

D. Resource allocation

E. Cost estimates

F. identifying and resolving scheduling conflicts

G. Finalize schedule

  1. Financial requirements (c-ash flow/rollup)
  2. Assessment of sensitivity of the final network

H. Managing the project

  1. Stakeholder network analysis
  2. Risk assessment
  3. Keys to success

II Project Update

A. Status report

  1. Schedule and cost variance
  2. Narrative of key events

B. Problem Solving

  1. Time constrained
  2. Resource constrained
  3. Appropriate response

C. Management issue

  1. Problem description
  2. Response

D. Summary

  1. Keys to successfully completing the project at this point in time
  2. Revised project estimates

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Project Management: Bus 622 - project management - write a scope statement
Reference No:- TGS02733547

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