
Bus 322- explain and give two examples of how leaders

Discussion Question: "Organizational Design and Culture"

Please respond to the following:

• According to your textbook, we continue to move from the traditional methods of examining organizational design and structure, several forces are reshaping organizations such as the life cycles in organizations, globalization, changes in technology, and demands on organizational processes. Give a detailed example of how your current or previous employer is meeting the challenges of these nontraditional forces.

• Watch the video titled, "How Disney Develops Culture" (6 min 35 s). You can view the video at https://vimeo.com/109015050. Disney University's four fundamentals are to innovate, support, educate, and entertain. Briefly describe the type of organization in which you are currently employed or were previously employed. Explain and give two examples of how leaders sustain the culture in that organization, positive or negative. Note: When incorporating information from the workplace, be sure to remove all identifying information such as the name of the organization, the names of individual affiliates, and sensitive or proprietary information. Lecture 3 Topics: occupational and organizational choice decisions, foundations for successful career, the career stage model, the establishment stage, the advancement stage, the maintenance stage, the withdrawal stage, and career anchors.

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Business Management: Bus 322- explain and give two examples of how leaders
Reference No:- TGS02177652

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