
Bus 225- briefly explain the role of the constitution in

Review Assignment

Part 1

You should work on this assignment as you complete your reading assignment. Avoid copying directly from the text; your responses should be in your own words. Please write in complete sentences.

Chapter 2

1. How does your textbook define the legal environment of business defined?
2. Distinguish between the pairs of terms in each of these classifications of law:
a. public law, private law
b. felonies, misdemeanors

Chapter 3

3. Define the term jurisdiction.

4. Briefly explain the differences between the Federal Court System and the State Court System.

Chapter 5

5. Briefly explain the role of the Constitution in the United States. Why is the separation of power so important? What would happen if one branch became more powerful than another?

6. Why should you, as a businessperson, be knowledgeable of the basic protection that the Constitution offers?

7. How does the Commerce Clause affect federal regulation of business activities? How does it affect state regulation of business activities?

Part 2

PleasereadCase 5-2 Gonzales v. Raich in your textbook on pages 106-107. This case demonstrates how the U.S. Supreme Court interprets the Commerce Clause. In particular, this case considers whether medicinal marijuana can be seizedand destroyed by federal authorities.

Once you have carefully read this case, summarize the relevant facts of the case and discuss the following questions:

• Summarize the relevant facts of the case.
• What is the conclusion?
• What are the similarities between this case andWickard?
• Are there significant differences that the court ignores or downplays?

Be sure that you create your responses in at least one well-developed paragraph. Explain and support your opinions and positions. You must justify your responses. Apply your critical thinking skills! Cite any sources used with APA. (For information on APA, please refer to the Course Materials and Resources section.)

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Business Management: Bus 225- briefly explain the role of the constitution in
Reference No:- TGS02168451

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