For this paper, you need to find and read below all three book. I cannot provide this books below.
Do not use any reference and source from the outside of theses 3 books. Please read and use these 3 books to write the paper.
1. Robert Tucker(ed), The Marx-Engels Reader 2nd ed Norton 1978 pb
2. Robert Bellah(ed), Emile Durkheim on Morality and Society U. Chicago 1973 pb
3. H.H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills(eds), From Max Weber Oxford U. Press 1958 pb
Marx, Durkheim, and Weber each responded to the advent of modern, industrialized, bureaucratized society in their own unique ways. Each created his own special terms, his own conceptual vocabulary, when analyzing what modern society had become, and what its consequences for people living within it would likely be.
Moving chronologically and methodically through each of the three books we have discussed, create Marxist, Durkheimian, and Weberian analyses of societal, political, economic, and psychological life as they understood it. Use carefully chosen quotations from their work to define and illustrate how each of their analyses differ. If you want to “apply” their ideas to the way we live now, do so, but only after you have first explained how their theories illuminated their own periods.
As explained on your syllabus: The paper should be 12-15 pages, double-spaced, no smaller than 12-point font, preferably in “Georgia,” one-inch margins on all sides; include a bibliography only if you quote works other than the texts I’ve asked you to buy and read.
You may cite Marx/Engels as (M/E, p. 70), and Durkheim as (ED, p. 70), and Weber as (MW, p. 70). No need for footnotes or endnotes.