
Bumble wants to advertise that his own brands energy drink

Bumble wants to advertise that his own brand’s energy drink helps people stay awake and focus better than products from leading brands in the market. To support this claim, Bumble gathered 10 people as his sample and administered the following: when a participant reports sleepiness, the participant drinks a can of energy drink (5 of the 10 people had Bumble’s energy drink and the other 5 had a Red Bull® energy drink), and Bumble timed how long from then the participant were able to stay focused working on simple calculation problems. The time for each participant is reported below (in minutes). Bumble’s Red Bull® 125 95 140 155 150 135 95 80 65 50 Bumble set H0: µ(Bumble) ≤ µ(Red Bull) (No improved average focus with Bumble’s energy drink) and H1: µ(Bumble) > µ(Red Bull) (Average focus is longer with Bumble’s energy drink) Upon hearing that a dependent-sample (paired-sample) t-test is more powerful in detecting the possible difference, Bumble ran the dependent-sample test and found the p = 0.089 as the result. After he saw the result, in order to reject H0, Bumble then set α = 0.10, and since now p < α, he rejected H0 concluding that his energy drink is superior. Q: Please identify what Bumble did wrong (if anything) and provide the correct work and results for each of Bumble’s mistake identified by answering the questions.

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Operation Management: Bumble wants to advertise that his own brands energy drink
Reference No:- TGS02576865

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