
Bullthis exercise utilizes the scf2010sav linked in

Discriminant Analysis

• This exercise utilizes the SCF2010.sav (linked in Resources). Using the DV BINTERNET (Internet or online service) and the IVs: NORMINC, AGE, EDUC, HOUSES, ACTBUS, KIDS, INCOME, HSTOCKS, INTERNET.
• State a research question for the given scenario.
• Assume that the purpose of this research is to derive a valid and reliable model for the savings prediction.
• Conduct the appropriate multivariate analysis to answer the proposed research question and hypotheses.
• Screen the data, conduct a discriminant analysis, and interpret and summarize your results in four pages maximum.
• Analyze output completely and accurately.

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Other Subject: Bullthis exercise utilizes the scf2010sav linked in
Reference No:- TGS01470181

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In the given dataset we had taken 9 independent variables and tried to form find the relationship with the dependent variable.The discriminant analysis reveals 5 variables as impacting variables in terms of discrimination while, the rest of them do not have any significant contribution to the response variable.Hence we come to the conclusion that these variables aren’t really giving a significant contribution to the response variable.This discriminating analysis does not give a good feedback.

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