Quantitative Research Methods II Assignment Coursefor Doctor of Psychology Degree
Course Description: Building on knowledge and skills gained in Quantitative Statistics I, the course will address: the framing of research questions; the selection of appropriate research methods and designs; the selection of appropriate statistics for data analysis; the principles of analysis; interpretation of findings; and the presentation of results. Students will learn how the techniques covered in the class apply to the translational and evaluation phases of the scholar-practitioner model.
Create an SPSS output file with your SPSS software after downloading a dataset for this Case assignment (please refer to the SPSS instructions below) to address the prompts listed below. Submit theanswers in a double-spaced 12 point font APA formatted document (approximately 5-6 pages in length, excluding title page and references pages).
SPSS Instructions:
1.a) Please download and open the SPSS file titled "ArchivedData.sav" found under the Presentation sectionfound in Module 1 for this PsyD 738 course.
2.b) Generate a One-Way ANOVA with Post-hoc statistical analysis SPSS report with the Total Self Esteem (tslfest) as theDependent variable along with marital status (marital) as the
Independent variable.
For instructions on how to conduct a One-Way ANOVA and Post Hoc test via SPSS, you can follow the instructions on the following weblink(TheRMUoHP Biostatistics Resource Channel (2012). How to UseSPSS: One Way ANOVA with Post-Hoc Tests [Video file] Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRJRp5363P4 (12:02)).
1. c) Copy and paste the complete SPSS report into your MS Word document.
In your written Case assignment, please respond to the followingprompts:
1) Identify the means and standard deviations for the One-way ANOVA
2) Explore the advantages of using a One-way ANOVA to analyze the data rather than using a series of Independent samples t-tests.
3) Is a post-hoc test needed for the One-way ANOVA that you conducted? Please explain why or why not. Please report thecorresponding post-hoc tests as needed.
4) Write a complete APA format results for a One-way ANOVA and Posthoc tests based upon your statistical analysis.
For instructionson how to write APA format results, please refer to the followingresource (Reporting Statistics in Psychology:https://depts.washington.edu/psych/files/writing_center/stats.pdf)