
Building a literature review research project by submitting

You will begin building a literature review research project by submitting a research proposal for approval to your instructor.

After your proposal is approved, you will complete various sections of the project each week. During the week, you should identify areas of interest that you would like to use as a basis for your literature review research project.

You should select an area that correlates with either your current or your targeted job in the IT field (or related line of work) based upon your chosen specialization in your IT coursework.

The following is a potential list of research areas in the IT field; you may select a topic from this list but are not limited to it:

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Business Intelligence

Cloud Computing

Data Management and Big Data Analytics

Dynamic Website Security

Electronic Commerce and Social Networking

Hardware Compatibility .Information Assurance and Systems Security

Information Technology Consulting Practices

Information Technology in Strategic Planning

Information Technology Life Cycle Governance and Management

Information Technology Project Management

Information Technology Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis

Information Technology Strategic Planning in Complex and Global Environments

Information, Communication, and Mobile Technology

Interactive Multimedia Applications

Network Operations Management and Development

Online Learning Management Systems

Software Architecture and Development

Software Defined Networks

Virtualization Technology and Cloud Management On the basis of your chosen topic, identify the problem statement and state specific research questions and hypotheses on which your literature review research project will be based. Include at least one research question and one preliminary hypothesis.

Set as an objective to arrive at a worthwhile, justifiable, even compelling research question as you discussed earlier under the Submissions Area.

The preliminary hypothesis will reflect your initial perspective of your research, but you will be able to refine it or even change it as you progress in your research.

In your proposal, include background information on why the topic is being selected and the goals of the research questions and hypotheses statements. The length of your proposal should be 5-7 pages in a Microsoft Word document, including title page and references.

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Basic Computer Science: Building a literature review research project by submitting
Reference No:- TGS02852767

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