
Build skills in analysis in the context of microeconomics -

The objective of the project is to build skills in analysis in the context of microeconomics.

To complete a case study successfully a student will need to create a PowerPoint presentation (about 25-30 slides).

For your case study please choose a company from the list below and explain the reasons why you picked this company:

- Kohl's - Harley Davidson - GE - Apple - Microsoft - Ikea - Vtech - Chase bank - Hilton Hotels - Organic Valley - Boing - Johnson Controls - Starbucks - Oshkosh - American Family Insurance Group - Northwestern Mutual - Any international company based or originated in Milwaukee or Wisconsin.

Your project should consist of: - A brief history of a company- no more than 2 powerpoint slides - Basic facts about the company (don't be afraid to use interesting and fun statistics) - 2-3 slides - Products / functions of the company. Please discuss the elasticity of products/services of the company and whether the product has substitutes, complements within the company or in the industry - 2-3 slides

- Identification of the market environment in which this company is operating. Here, please explain whether the company is a monopoly, oligopoly or operates in the competitive setting. If there is competition involved, please provide some information on its major rivals - 3-4 slides - Labor market.

Include average wages/salaries and compare the number to the industry and national level - 2-3 slides - Opportunity Costs the company is facing - 1-2 slides - International Trade. Include import/export information - 3-4 slides - Environmental Impact/ Influence.

Include positive or negative impact of company's operations on the environment - 1-2 slides - Microeconomics of the company. In this section please include any information on long-run/ short-run goals and progress, profits/losses, major costs and how these costs are being minimized, types of recourses used in the production, recent changes in the company/ industry if any - 2-3 slides - Explanations on how your case study is related to the material covered in the course - 2-3 slides - The influence this company has on local, national and global economy. - 2-3 slides - Possible future outlook for the company - 2-3 slides - Bibliography -- 1-2 slides Include all the references to the information used in the project (minimum five references).

You cannot use websites such as Wikipedia and may provide a reader with the false information.

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: Build skills in analysis in the context of microeconomics -
Reference No:- TGS02753347

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