With Netbeans ,please make ascreenshoot of step by step work and results
Part I - Build an "index.html" HTML page for your "Bank" Web Application. This document should say Welcome to "Bank"(or whatever you want to call your Bank) as well as an image of a Bank Building or some image that represents
Part II - Create a second HTML file, called "login.html", that will allow a user to login to your bank's Website. Put a Link on the "index.html" page that will take us to this Login page. This login page should include a Title as well as a Customer ID Textbox and a Password Textbox. Include a submit button (that reads "Login") as well as a Reset button (that reads "Clear").
Part III - Build a "accountLookup.html" Web-page. This page should have 4 textboxes (AcctNo, CustomerID, Type and balance). The web-page should include 2 buttons, a submit button (that reads "Lookup") as well as a Reset button (that reads "Clear").