Build an html page that takes in an initial investment

Question - This is another approach to the Return on Investment calculator. Breaking the assignment into two parts, in order to make the array part clearer.

1. Build an HTML page that takes in an initial investment, interest rate, and number of periods. Interest Rate should be a pulldown with four choices. You may reuse the HTML code from earlier homework assignments.

2. On the PHP page, use a FOR loop to build an array and load the value of the investment at the end of each period into the array elements. So, the value you put into Array[1] would be the value in Array[0] plus the amount of interest earned

For the 5A code, re-use the Assignment 4 code but use code based on the following pseudocode inside the loop


pvArray[ counter ] = pvArray[ counter-1] + (pvArray[ counter-1 ] * r)


Initialize pvArray[0] before the loop, and start the loop at 1

3. Use a second FOR loop to read the array and print out the values.

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: Build an html page that takes in an initial investment
Reference No:- TGS02657165

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