A chemical processing plant has four HIGH/LOW sensors on each of its chemical tanks. [Temperature (T), Pressure (P), Fluid Level (L), and Weight (W)]. Several different combinations of sensor levels need to be constantly monitored. Design an FPGA solution using a VHDL program (prob_c5_11.vhd) that will tell the circuit to turn on any of the three indicator lights [Emergency (E), Warning (W), or Check (C)] if the listed conditions are met:
1. (Emer) Emergency: Shut down and drain system if any of the following exists:
(a) High T with high P with low W
(b) High T with high P with low L
(c) High T with low P with (low W or low L )
2. (Warn) Warning: Check controls and perform corrections if any of the following exists:
(a) High P with high L with low W
(b) High P with high W with low L
(c) High P with low L with low T
3. (Chec) Check: Read gauges and report if any of the following exists:
(a) Any two levels are high(b) Any time W is high
Build a vector waveform file (prob_c5_11.vwf) to simulate the operation of all three indicator lights and then download the program to an FPGA to demonstrate its complete operation to your instructor.