
Build a simple airline reservation system


For this problem, you will build a simple airline reservation system. The system will ask the user how many seats they would like to reserve. Next, it will display a seating chart showing the empty seats, and the seats already reserved. An empty seat is indicated by having a seat letter of A-E displayed, an already reserved seat is indicated by an X. The system will continue to ask the user to choose another seat until the number of seats that they requested, have been selected. Finally, the system will display the seats that they selected and ask the user if they will like to perform another transaction. Notes: The airplane has 15 rows. Rows 1-5 have only four seats (A, B, D, E), and rows 6-15 have 5 seats (A, B, C, D, E). There is an empty row between First Class and Coach (between rows 5 and 6). If the user enters in an invalid seat or a seat that is already reserved, an informative message is displayed and they are asked to enter in a new seat. You need think about what type of private member variables, constructors, and methods your object will need.

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C/C++ Programming: Build a simple airline reservation system
Reference No:- TGS03275774

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