
Build a powerpoint presentation 10-15 slides with audio

English Powerpoint over The Sweet Hereafter book

1. Build a PowerPoint presentation (10-15 slides with audio) about your detail from the novel that teaches your peers about that detail.

2. Use Preview/Present/Review organization

3. On the first slide tell the audience what they will learn (Preview the main points you will make).

• Present your points in the same order as you did in the preview (Present).
• On the next to last slide go over your main points again, but do it in a different way than on the preview slide (Review).

1. Use a hook to grab the audience's attention; do this first thing on the first slide.

2. Use a clincher as the last sentence of the next to last slide, so your presentation stays with the audience.

3. Use images, illustrations, photos, etc. to make your presentation interesting.

4. Use audio to present the material. Review the Speak Up presentation(or view the Text Version) before you record your presentation.

5. Include the audio script in the "Notes" section of the PowerPoint presentation.

6. Include a "Works Consulted" page (as the very last slide) that lists your sources in MLA format (this is the same as a Works Cited page, but rather than citing directly in the report, you list at the end the sources you gathered information from, since you paraphrased/summarized in the report, rather than quoting directly.)

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Other Subject: Build a powerpoint presentation 10-15 slides with audio
Reference No:- TGS01551576

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