
Bueco 1509 - federation university australia - critically


For Australia

1. Comment on its growth rates over the period of last ten years about 300 words.

2. Critically analyze the reasons for the variation of growth rates in that time period about 1200 words

3. What are the major challenges Australia faces in enhancing its growth rates in about 500 words.


The following factors will be taken into account in grading your work:
- The depth of your reading and understanding of the topic. At this level of study you are expected to read widely, and obtain more than just a superficial knowledge of the subject matter.
- Your ability to understand and communicate the concepts involved;
- Originality in thought and expression; and
- Technical aspects: English expression, referencing, presentation, etc.

- This assignment is worth 20% of the total assessment for this unit with a total expected word count of 2000 words.

- A word count must be stated on the assignment.

- This assignment is due in Week 10 and will be returned in Week 12.

- Make sure you answer all of the sub-parts of the question.

- The whole assignment should be submitted as one document.

Assignment Tips

GDP data for all countries can be found at worldbank site

Then go to Indicators and choose the first one GDP growth annual (%)

This should give you the figures you need for 2005-2015

For example for the Australian economy you could start by charting Australia's performance over the decade 2005-2015 Discuss the major developments which may be responsible for this performance, among other factors you may wish to discuss include:

The rise of China and the mining boom.
The global financial crisis (GFC) and its impact on the Australian economy.
The Australian policy response to the global financial crisis. The end of the mining boom and the transition to the post mining economy.
The challenges ahead and the policy responses needed to generate higher growth rates.

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Business Economics: Bueco 1509 - federation university australia - critically
Reference No:- TGS02787595

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