Budgeting and its actual results

Problem: MooreHouse Clinic uses client visits as it's measure of activity. During December, the clinic budgeted for 3,700 Client visits, but it's actual level of activity was 3690 client visits. The clinic has provided the following data concerning the formulas used in it's budgeting and it's actual results for December.

The personal expenses in the planning budget would be closest to :

The Medical Supplies in the flexible budget would be closest to:

The Activity Variance for personal expenses in December would be closest to: F or U

The revenue variance for December would be closest to: F or U

The Spending Variance for Medical Supplies in December would be closest to: F or U

1072_Data used in budgeting.jpg

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Finance Basics: Budgeting and its actual results
Reference No:- TGS01449986

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