
Buacc2614 - management accounting - what role can the

According to your text (2012 edition), "there are many opportunities for management accountants to apply their skills and knowledge in supporting managers as they respond to the business challenges associated with climate change".

According to a popular accounting text, "sustainable business practices present numerous issues for management and managerial accountants".

*According to the CPA President, Alex Malley, "I think that our profession is going to be a key player in determining the way companies will report (on their environmental impact) from now on".

**According to Bazerman et al., (2002), "Given the vast scale of recent accounting scandals and their devastating effects on workers and investors, it's not surprising that the government and the public assume that the underlying problems are corruption and criminality-unethical accountants falsifying numbers to protect equally unethical clients".


- In your view, what role can the accounting profession play in reporting value creation (or diminution) in terms of "six capitals"?Identify any challenges in this process. Include a discussion of techniques that can be used by management accountants in this context.
- Critically evaluate an Integrated Report produced by a company in creating (or diminishing) value in terms of six capitals.



Please note the following:

- Required format: Essay (2500 words)

Your work must comply with the University's General Guide for the Presentation of Academic Work.

Useful links: https://federation.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0015/164121/FedUni-General-Guide-to-Referencing-2014.pdf

- https://federation.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/190044/General-Guide-to-Writing-and-Study-Skills.pdf

- This is a group-assignment. Each group needs to have 2 to 3 members in it. Please organise yourselves into groups.

- Please make sure that names and ID numbers of all group members are stated on the cover sheet of your submission.

As this is a group assignment, each member of your group is awarded the same mark. Working in groups has its pros and cons. I am sure that you will hold constructive group discussions. In case of any disagreements, you will be able to resolve them in a reasonable way. There will be times when you may have to agree to disagree with each other.

Invariably different group members bring different skills to a project; it is up to you to make the best of it. One can learn a lot by discussing the issues with one's colleagues.

If you find your group members are "not pulling their weight" or there are problems with any member's commitment, then please try to resolve those issues amongst yourselves. Open and honest communication always helps.

Bases of assessment

Content - Identification of relevant issues.

Research - Selection of relevant material.

A demonstration of critical evaluation of the material.

Expression of your viewpoint (and not a catalogue of quotes/ others' ideas).

Expression - clarity, style (formal and academic), coherence in writing, grammar, punctuation, spellings and sentence structure.

A logical flow of argument at both the paragraph level and the overall text level.

Use of supporting arguments.

Use of literature to support the argument.

Structure - Synopsis (Stated the topic, reflected main arguments and identified conclusions reached).

Introduction (Provided background/contextual information; clearly stated the essay topic; outlined the plan for addressing the topic).

Discussion in appropriately linked sections and paragraphs.

Conclusion (no new material; reiterated the main line of argument).

Referencing procedure (within the text, and at the end of the text).

Appropriately styled and punctuated bibliography.

Overall Presentation - including cover page, line spacing, page numbering.

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Managerial Accounting: Buacc2614 - management accounting - what role can the
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