Q1. Question to have 5 sub parts (no choice in sub parts)
a) Explain different kinds of kinematic pairs giving example for each one of them.
b) What do you understand by the instantaneous centre of rotation?
c) Explain the following
1) Limiting friction 2) Angle of friction 3) Coeff. of friction 4) dynamic friction
d) Explain with neat sketch the different types of cams and followers.
e) A body resting on a rough horizontal plane required a pull of 180N inclined at 300 to the plane just to move it. It was found that a push of 220N inclined at 300 to the plane just moved the body. Determine the weight of the body and Coefficient of friction.
Q2. a) Explain the following terms
1) Lower pair 2) higher pair 3) Kinematic chain 4) Inversion
b) Sketch and explain the various inversions of slider crank chain.
c) Describe the method to find the velocity of a point on a link by relative velocity method.
d) Describe the method to find the velocity in slider crank mechanism.
Q3. a) Explain with diagram the following terms
1) Addendum 2) Dedendum 3) Pitch circle 4) Circular pitch 5) Module
b) State and prove the law of gearing.
c) Draw and explain the displacement, velocity and acceleration diagrams for a follower when it moves with uniform velocity.
d) Explain with neat diagram different types of followers.
Q4. a) What do you understand by 'gear train'? Discuss any two types of gear train.
b) What do you understand by the term 'interference' as applied to gears?
c) Derive an expression for the velocity ratio of belt drive.
d) Explain with neat diagram, the different types of belt drives.
Q5. a) Draw and explain the acceleration diagram for a link?
b) Explain how the acceleration of a point on a link is obtained when the acceleration of some other point in the same link is given in magnitude and direction.
c) Differentiate between involute and cycloidal gears?
d) A single reduction gear of 120KW with a pinion 250mm pitch circle diameter and Speed 650rpm is supported in bearings on either side. Calculate the total load due to the power transmitted, the pressure angle being 20o.
Note - Attempt any 5 Questions. Question No. 1 is Compulsory.