
Bsed the research topic dynamic leadership in healthcare

TOPIC: Dynamic Leadership in Healthcare Organizations

Activity Description

The draft of your literature review is due.

Based the research topic "Dynamic Leadership in Healthcare Organizations", write a comprehensive literature search and cover major themes you have identified in the literature; following the outline provided in the attached ("Paper outline and list of References"); using the scholarly sources provided in the same file attached.. You should ensure that you are identifying and giving consideration to the theoretical or conceptual frameworks present in the literature you are reviewing In this paper, you also need to focus on synthesizing and aggregating the literature, as well as providing a critical analysis of the literature from the scholarly sources listed below (in the references page. Feel free to include more scholarly resources if necessary but it should be at least 20 scholarly sources.

Finally, please ensure your draft is in adherence with the publication requirements of the APA Publication Manual (6th ed.) and that your draft is free of typographical and grammatical errors.

Length: 15-20 pages, with a minimum of 20 peer-reviewed references included in the review (this page length requirement does not include the coverage and reference list).Follow exactly the outline below as your map for writing the paper.

TOPIC: Dynamic Leadership in Healthcare Organizations

I. Coverage Page

II. Introduction

III. Explain dynamic leadership in healthcare

IV. Leadership and its importance in healthcare today

V. How to measure effects of dynamic leadership in healthcare

1. Utilizing performance measurement tools
2. Team surveys on leader's performance

VI. Components of a healthcare leadership

a. Personal Moral Principle

1. Ethics and Integrity
2. Stewardship Leadership
3. Servant Leadership
4. Commitment to organization objective
5. Emotional Intelligence

b. Team Moral Principle

1. Corporation and sharing of common goal
2. Building and maintain trust at all levels of operations
3. Acknowledging diversity and organizational culture

VII. Barriers to dynamic leadership in healthcare

VIII. Ways to reducing/eliminating barriers to dynamic leadership in healthcare

IX. Ways to lead dynamically in the healthcare setting in today market

1. Adopting social corporate responsibility and sustainable initiatives
2. Identifying gaps in healthcare leadership
3. Bridging gaps to enhance leadership capacity
4. Fostering quality focused leaders
5. Bridging the gaps of patient care
6. Breaking down functional silos to improve collaboration and information sharing in organizational operations

X. Conclusion

XI. References Page.

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Dissertation: Bsed the research topic dynamic leadership in healthcare
Reference No:- TGS01581638

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