
Bsbwor501 manage personal work priorities and professional

Task 1

This task requires you to document strategies for prioritisation.

Create a Word document and save it with the name Task3_Yourname.

Type your name in the header of the document and the date in the footer of the document.

Answer the following questions:

Prioritising Competing Demands

Describe a situation where you may have several competing demands for your time in your work role. Explain each of the demands in terms of:

- the task you need to perform
- the goal that the task is intended to achieve
- the individual whose goal the task relates to (which may be you or another person)
Categorise each task in terms of:
- Urgent and Important
- Urgent and Not Important
- Not Urgent, but Important
- Not Urgent and Not Important
Prioritise the tasks, explaining your reasons.

Task 2

Download the Word document Self-deveoplment-table-task5File.

In the document type your name and the date.

Go to the web site www.training.gov.au and locate the unit of competency with the code BSBITU401 Design and develop complex text documents. Download this document BSBITU401 R1File and familiarise yourself with its contents. This is a Certificate IV level unit that applies to the competency to effectively use Word Processing software.

Now that you understand the requirements to be competent in this unit, follow the procedures below:

Using the word document you downloaded ( Self-deveoplment-table-task5 )File

In the third column give yourself a rating of 1 to 5.

In the fourth column, calculate the difference.

Underneath the table, type a paragraph that summarises the key areas where you need to develop your skills and knowledge further and explain why this will enhance your effectiveness as a manager.

Ensure to highlight how this unit would help you to achieve a better position at work.

Save this file as Task5_YourName.PDF (as PDF).

Task 3

Download the word document feedback form - task 6File.

In this word document insert your name and the date.

This document contain a feedback form where you should interview 3 different people and complete it yourself.

After all the data is collected, you should analyse the responses and compare them. On the last page of this document, type a paragraph identifying areas where you can improve your competence and what you can do to improve.

Save this document as YourName_Task6.PDF (Save as PDF).

Task 4

This activity is divided in 3 parts.

It is a file submission activity.

Create a new word document.

Type your name and date in the document

Answer the following questions:

Part 1: Personal Learning Style
1 - What means learning style VARK?
2 - How a VARK questionnaire can help you to understand your learning style?
3 - Why is it important for us to know our learning style?

Part 2: Answering the questionnaire

Go to https://vark-learn.com/the-vark-questionnaire/

Answer the questionnaire.
1 - Copy the results in the word document.
2 - Explain your learning style and how you can use it to develop your own knowledge and skills.

Part 3: Structured Training

Go to the web site www.training.gov.au and locate the qualification BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management.
Download the document and familiarise yourself with its contents.

1 - Type (or copy) the code and name of the qualification and its description, as it appears in the qualification.

2 - Describe the learning strategy that you are using in order to attain this qualification including the content which is self-paced and the content which is trainer-led and how your learning is taking place.

3 - Refer back to your personal learning style (Part 2) and type a short paragraph explaining how your method of learning meets the needs of your learning style.

4 - Describe how knowledge of your own learning style will assist you in your structured training course. How this course can help you to achieve your career and personal goals in your life.

Task 5

This task requires you to identify networks that will assist in developing your personal knowledge, skills and work relationships.

This task is a file submission.
This task is divided in 3 parts, please follow the instructions below.

Create a Word document and save it with the name Task9_YourName
Type your name in the header of the document and the date in the footer of the document.
Type the document in the following format using professional language, correct grammar and spelling.

Part 1 : Professional Networks
On-Line Forums
Go to the following link:
1 - Type a short paragraph describing how it will benefit you to join an on-line forum..
2 - Join in the Linkedin (if you are a member already, jump to step 3)
3 - Browse the different groups and discussions.
Write the name of the groups you are member, or the discussions you wish to participate.
4 - Select one group that is relevant to you and join the group.
Take a screenshot of the page, and paste in the document (down here).
5 - Browse through the discussions.
Select one discussion and read the comments.
Take a screenshot of the discussion page and paste in the document.
6 - Type a paragraph that gives an overview of the discussion.
7 - Type a second paragraph with a comment that you might add to the discussion.

Part 2: Professional Contacts
Refer to your list of professional contacts that you communicate with on a regular basis - whether formally or informally. [Note: Do not provide names and contact details to your assessor as this would be a breach of privacy and your organisation's intellectual property.]
1 - Create a list of these professional contacts based on the example below

2 - Based on the list you created, type how often do you communicate with them and what communication method do you use?.

Part 3 Professional Organisations

1 - If you are currently a member of any professional organisations, list the organisations and explain how you interact with the members. If you are not, search the internet for professional organisations that relate to your area of work. Type a list of the organisations you have located and the ways that they can provide development opportunities for you.

Task 6

This is the final assessment task.

This task requires you to document a professional development action plan.

Note: You will find that the previous assessment tasks will help you complete this task. Remember that professional development is ongoing throughout your working life and there is always room for improvement. If you are currently in a managerial role, then read "the managerial role that you aspire to" as an aspiration to continuously improve in your current role.

Create a Power Point Presentation and save it with the name YourName_Task10, type the document in the following format using professional language, correct grammar and spelling.

Slide 1 -
- Type the heading "Professional Development Action Plan"
- Type your name and date

Slide 2 - Personal Work Goals
- Describe your career goals - the managerial role that you aspire to.
- Identify the organisation you have worked or you are working and give an outline of the organisation's purpose. If it has a vision or mission statement, quote this.
Slide 3 - Personal Work Goals
- Describe how you personally - in the role which is your career goal - will be able to promote the organisation's objectives. It means, how your role and personality will help the company to achieve it goals.

Slide 4 - Setting and meeting work priorities
- Discuss the key tasks that will be involved in your role and how you will plan and prioritise these tasks.
- Identify the technology that you will use to help you with planning and prioritising.
Slide 5 - Setting and meeting work priorities
- Discuss the types of contingencies and competing demands that may occur in this role that will require you to re-prioritise or resolve problems.

Slide 6 - Work-life balance
- List the possible causes of stress that this work role may present.
- List the ways that you will manage stress and maintain your mental and physical health and wellbeing.
Slide 7 - Self-assessment
- Identify and list the knowledge requirements for the job role.
- Identify and list the skills requirements for the job role.
- Identify and list the attitudes and behaviour requirements for the job role.

Slide 8 - Self-assessment
- Evaluate your own current knowledge, skills and attitudes and identify one area for improvement in each case (one knowledge, one skill, one attitude or behaviour).
- Describe the strategies you will use to improve.

Slide 9 - Conclusion
Type a paragraph explain how it is important for you to understand where you are and how you can develop professionally and as a person.

Attachment:- Self-deveoplment.rar

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Reference No:- TGS01561773

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