
Bsbwor501 - the student will also demonstrate the ability

Assessment - PROJECT

Performance objective

The student will demonstrate the ability to establish personal work goals. The student will also demonstrate the ability to set and meet work priorities.

Assessment description

Using a position description you will set work goals and prioritise work goals. You then develop two wok plans to achieve two work goals,. You are required to keep a journal contairvig your reflections on and explanation of the process of managing work priorities.

Assessment Instructions

1. To complete this assessment, you will need access and be familiar with the following policies from your workplace:
a. Operational plan
b. Work-life Balance Policy
c. Professional Development Policy

d. You will also need a copy of your posit on description

2. Review your job description and your organisation's operational plan, policies and procedures, In your journal, provide an outline of the key components of the orgarisation's policies, procedures and plans that will affect your personal goal setting.

3. Based on your job description (and following your organisation's Operational plans, goals, anc applicable policies and procedures), establish four to five goals for yourself within the workplace. Your goals must be expressed in SMART formal.

4. In your journal, explain how and why you set each goals. Explain the value of personal goal-setting in an organisation.

5. Develop KPIs to measure your performance in relation to goal. In your journal, describe:

a. How the KPIs will be used to measure goal-related performance.

b. How you will maintain performance under varying conditions and contingencies. Give specific examples,

c. How, given your own personal strengths and weaknesses, you will capitalise on or minimise the effect of these personal traits in your work plans.

6. Choose two of your goals and consider a range of activities to help you meet them. Prioritise the activities and develop a work plan to achieve each goal using the template provided in Appendix One as an example.

In your lournal. describe the process you undertook to prioritise activities and develop the work plans. List any competing demands and explain how you will manage these to achieve your goals. Describe how you have used the plans to manage your time efficiently.

7. In your journal, describe:
a How you will ensure you serve as a positive role model through work planning and organisation. Give examples. Describe how your work plans serge as examples to follow in your workplace.

b. How you will maintain appropriate work-life balance, manage stress and maintain health.

8. Submit your position description (If you choose your own organization for this Assessment), work plans and journal to your assessor a per the specifications below. Ensure you keep a copy of all work submitted for your records.

Submission should include:

You must provide:
a position description (if you have used your own workplace position description for this assessment)

TWO work plans produced using Microsoft Word

a journal.

Your assessor will be looking for evidence of:

use of literacy skills to interpret written job descripzions, business plans, policies and procedures, etc.

application of principle and fechniques of performance measurement:

identification of personal behaviour to assist in managing work priorities and work-life balance

goal setting

time management

application of organisational policy plans or procedures to setting or planning the achievement of work goals

Application or knowledge of work praciices to improve personal performance.

Assessment 2

Performance objective

The student will demonstrate the sAis and :Know]edge required to develop and maintain professional comoetenoe.

Assessment description

You will develop a professional development plan with career objectives and an action plan. To assist in the development of your plan. you are required to seek feedback on your professional competency. You are required to keep a journal containing your refection on, and explanation Or the process of planning professional development.

Assessment  instructions

Assess your personal knowledge and skills against competency standards such as enterprise specific competencies or nationally endorsed units of competency, Use the training needs analys's template provided in Appendix 2 in order to assess your training needs.
In your journal, describe the process you undertook to as your professional competency.

1. Arrange meet with your Assessor and at least one other person who is familiar with your work and can assess aspects of your professional competency to seek feedback on skills and knowledge and identify ways to improve. The second person you meet with could be your employer, a colleague, a client or a supervisor. Take notes of their feedoack through the questionnaire provided in Appendix 4 to submit as evidence of your meeting.

Your Assessor will record your performance using Observation Checklist ONE. Please review the checklist before the meeting so you know what is expected of you.

In your journal, describe the meeting, and the questioning and active listening techniques you used to elicit the feedback. Review observation checklist ONE to know what is expected of you.

2. Using the template provided in Appendix 1, or one irom your iivorkplace. develop a professional development plan. You should include:
a. Identify your learning style using. the questionnaire provided in Appendix 3.
b. development opportunities, such as traihing: include opportunities to undertake within one year and within five years

c. new skills you aim to acquire to acnieve or maintain a competitive eoge

d. planned participation in networks or professional associations to enhance professional development

e. Timeframe in which to achieve development opportunities, new skills, participation in networks.

In your journal, you should discuss:

a. how you analysed and applied feedback to your professional development plan

b. the process you undertook to identify, evaluate and select the development opportunities included in your professional development plan - discuss learning styles and application to your planning

c. new skills you plan to acquire - explain how acquiring these skills will provide a competitive edge

d. examples of networking you have urderta.ken or are currently undertaking to enhance knowledge, skills or work relationships

e. How these plans align to relevant organisational policies and procedures and how they align to organisational goals and your work role.

3. Submit your professional development plan, feedback notes and journal to your assessor as per the specifications below. Ensure you keep a copy of all work submitted tor your records.

Submission should include:
You must provide:.
a professional development plan
meeting notes
2 completed Questionnaires - Appendix 4

Your assessor will be looking for evidence of:

  • communlcation skills to receive, analyse and report on feedback
  • application of principles and techniques of planning professional developmem
  • knowledge of management development opportunities
  • knowledge of types of learning styles and application to professional development planning.

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Dissertation: Bsbwor501 - the student will also demonstrate the ability
Reference No:- TGS02567932

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