
Bsbwhs501 - ensure a safe workplace - develop a company

Assessment 1: Written Questions

This assessment consists of twelve (12)short to medium answers based questions to assess the student's knowledge of BSBWHS501- Ensure a safe workplace.

Instructions for Students

Students must answer all questions. Most questions require short answers although some questions require a more detailed response. Students may use various sources of information including: text books, learning workbooks, other documents and the internet and they must list their sources.

Q1. Imagine you are going to join a company of your choice in the capacity of WHS supervisor/Manager. What do you think will be your duties and responsibilities for WHS as a supervisor/manager? Also, please comment why you as a manager must understand legislative requirements for WHS?

Q2. List down the purpose and functions of each of the following roles:
a) Health and safety officer
b) Health and safety representative -
c) Health and safety committees
d) WHS specialist advisors

Q.3 Identify a range of relevant and appropriate WHS legislation, regulation and codes of practice for PCBUs and workers involved in construction activities.


a. List four common ways used in organizations to identify hazards.
b. During an economic recession, there was a downturn in demand for your product, which led to the reduction in staff numbers in your factory. However, demand for your product is now increasing. You want to introduce a new piece of equipment to your worksite that will increase productivity and ensure that the worksite and employees are safe.Use John Kotter's model 8 step change model to explain how you would implement the change.

Q.5 List any four basic areas that must be covered in any WHS induction training program.

Q.6 List at least five resources required to effectively manage WHS in any workplace.

Q.7 Briefly describe the range of sources you would use to share the outcomes of participation and consultation to workers on WHS procedures.

Q.8 Organisations should regularly review compliance with WHS legislation. List the various steps that should be taken by organisation for ensuring organisation's WHS policies meeting WHS legislation?

Q.9 Consider the following WHS Compliance Self-AssessmentMatrix. Use this Matrix to measure and evaluate your organisation's compliance to the legislation.

WHS Policy
Do you understand your company's legal WHS obligations?
Do you have an WHS policy?
Do you have WHS objectives and targets?
Do you review and evaluate your WHS effectiveness?
Are your WHS policies and procedures documented?
Are your WHS systems regularly reviewed and kept up to date?
Do you provide financial, physical and human resources for WHS?
Are WHS responsibilities outlined in your position descriptions?
Process and Systems
Do you have a senior manager who is responsible for WHS?
Do you keep a register of injuries and first aid treatment?
Do you have a system for reporting & investigating accidents?
Do you conduct regular WHS inspections of your workplace?
Do you have an induction program for new staff?
Do you have a WHS Committee in place that meets regularly?
Are signs/notices displayed in accordance with legal requirements?
Do you have a documented WHS training program in place?
Do you have emergency procedures and an evacuation plan in place?
Do you have documented procedures in place for resolving disputes?
Do you have documented work procedures for all hazardous tasks?
Are your first aid resources adequate?
Do you have a documented process for risk assessment & control?
Do you keep a register of your plant and equipment?
Do you have a maintenance schedule for plant & equipment?
Are material safety data sheets for all chemicals used on site?
Do you keep a register of dangerous goods or hazardous substances?
Do you have a process in place to collect, file and retain WHS records?

Q.10 List down the stages of the Hierarchy of Control and explain in no more than 200 words how it affects the WHS.

Q.11. In the context of the WHSA 2011, list down any three WHS legislative reporting requirement for workplace incident.

Q.12 Below is given a matrix with column on the left showing the internal problem faced by a retail store based in Parramatta. On the right side of the table, the type of record to be accessed to analyse the identified problem needs to be mentioned. For the first identified problem, relevant WHS record has been mentioned as an example. You are required to complete the matrix by identifying the WHS records you would use to analyse the respective problems as mentioned in the column on the left side of the matrix.

Assessment: Case Study

Student Instructions:

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Read the scenario, then answer all of the questions that follow.

A crane operator is severely injured on a construction site when he removes a large piece of concrete flooring from the fifth floor of an empty office building. The weight of the concrete flooring exceeds the crane's lifting limits, and the cabin is partially crushed when the crane falls over and crashes into an outer wall of an adjacent empty building. The alarm is raised immediately as other workers were on the work site.

The crane operator is fully licenced and aware of the regulations for his crane in terms of weight limits and capability of load on the chains and pulleys. The organisation's WHS policies state that all lifting weights must be estimated according to industry standards prior to crane operators attempting to lift a load. This estimation is provided by ground engineers and is based on industry benchmarks.

Emergency services attend the site and the crane operator is taken to hospital. Although he makes a full recovery from surgery, he will need months of physiotherapy and will be unable to work in the role again due to permanent limited movement in his left hand and left leg.
You are the site manager and your workers include the crane operator, engineers, construction workers and several contractors.

You must investigate the incident and take appropriate action to prevent a recurrence in the future. Your team receive regular WHS refresher training in their roles in accordance with the organisation's policies. However, this incident indicates that, despite training and instructions from management, some workers deliberately avoid complying with WHS policies and procedures.

1. Following this incident, what could do you do to ensure workers are complying with WHS policies and procedures? (Max. words: 400)

2. Identify any four WHS legislation, regulations and codes of practice that could apply to this PCBU and work site? (Max. words: 300)

3. What WHS policies and procedures should be put in place to ensure all workers comply with their WHS obligations? (Max. words: 550)

4. What types of WHS specialist advice are needed to ensure the PCBU can improve its WHS management and prevent incidents of this type from occurring in the future?
(Max. words: 550)

Assessment 3: Project

Assessment description

The student is to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to establish and maintain a WHS management system.

Referring to the simulated business and scenario information provided in the Appendices of this task, you will plan and develop a WHS management system to assist the organisation to comply with WHS legislation. You will identify and use sources of expert advice to plan your system. You will gather a portfolio of evidence to collect samples of documentation to support the WHS management system. You will then prepare a report outlining and explaining the system, duty holders, resources, and approval required.



1. Based on your review of the Australian Hardware scenario in Appendix 1, research WHS management systems (WHSMS) to determine the features for an appropriate WHS management system to propose for Australian Hardware.

Note: Detailed information on Australian Hardware, including operational policies and procedures, risk management, and financials may be accessed at:

a. which policies and procedures to include
b. what adaptation and amendments may be required to existing policies and procedures
c. the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities required

2. Which human, physical and financial resources are required (estimate costs over first year of implementation). See table below for costs.
Note: Two hours of training per employee has been approved relating to the new WHSMS itself, duties, and role-specific safety training. The total approved budget is $1 million.

Develop a comprehensive WHSMS report for the Australian Hardware, covering the following areas:
3. a. Describe key features of the proposed WHSMS for the Australian Hardware, which should include brief discussion on purpose and scope of the proposed WHSMS, responsibilities for the implementation of this policy and relevant legislation and standards to be met by the proposed policy.
b. Provide a mechanism for setting up a consultation and participatory arrangement

4. Develop a communication plan to disseminate the outcomes of the above consultative mechanism.

5. Develop procedures for hazards identification both at pre and post organizational planning levels.

6. Using hierarchy of control concept and ensuring WHS legislative requirements, outline various risk control strategies.

7. How would you go about identifying and approving resources for WHS initiatives?

8. Identify any need for seeking expert WHS advice.

9. Develop a company wide WHS training plan and ensuring its successful implementation.

10. Comment briefly how would you go about WHS record keeping for your proposed WHS management system?

11. Briefly comment how would you measure and evaluate the WHSMS in line with your company's quality system framework.


12. Imagine your proposed WHSMS has been implemented in the Australian Hardware. The review committee of the company has provided you with the data, Appendix 6, on WHS related issues faced by the company.

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Dissertation: Bsbwhs501 - ensure a safe workplace - develop a company
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