
Bsbsus301a implement and monitor environmentally

Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices

1. Investigate current practices in relation to resource usage.

1.1 Identify environmental regulations applying to the enterprise

1.2 Analyse procedures for assessing compliance with environmental/sustainability regulations

1.3 Collect information on environmental and resource efficiency systems and procedures, and provide to the work group where appropriate

1.4 Collect, analyse and organise information from a range of sources to provide information/advice and tools/resources for improvement opportunities

1.5 Measure and document current resource usage of members of the work group

1.6 Analyse and document current purchasing strategies

1.7 Analyse current work processes to access information and data to assist in identifying areas for improvement

2. Set targets for improvements

2.1 Seek input from stakeholders, key personnel and specialists

2.2 Access external sources of information and data as required

2.3 Evaluate alternative solutions to workplace environmental issues

2.4 Set efficiency targets

3. Implement performance improvement strategies

3.1 Source and use appropriate techniques and tools to assist in achieving efficiency targets

3.2 Apply continuous improvement strategies to own work area of responsibility, including ideas and possible solutions to communicate to the work group and management

3.3 Implement and integrate environmental and resource efficiency improvement plans for own work group with other operational activities

3.4 Supervise and support team members to identify possible areas for improved practices and resource efficiency in work area

3.5 Seek suggestions and ideas about environmental and resource efficiency management from stakeholders and act upon where appropriate

3.6 Implement costing strategies to fully value environmental assets

4. Monitor performance

4.1 Use and/or develop evaluation and monitoring, tools and technology

4.2 Document and communicate outcomes to report on efficiency targets to key personnel and stakeholders

4.3 Evaluate strategies and improvement plans

4.4 Set new efficiency targets, and investigate and apply new tools and strategies

4.5 Promote successful strategies and reward participants where possible

Required Skills

- analytical skills to analyse problems, to devise solutions and to reflect on approaches taken

- change management skills

- communication skills to answer questions, clarify and acknowledge suggestions relating to work requirements and efficiency

- communication/consultation skills to support information flow from stakeholders to the work group

- innovation skills to identify improvements, to apply knowledge about resource use to organisational activities and to develop tools

- literacy skills to comprehend documentation, to interpret environmental and energy efficiency requirements, to create tools to measure and monitor improvements and to report outcomes

- numeracy skills to analyse data on organisational resource consumption and waste product volumes

- planning and organising skills to implement environmental and energy efficiency management polices and procedures relevant to own work area

- problem-solving skills to devise approaches to improved environmental sustainability and to develop alternative approaches as required

- technology skills to operate and shut down equipment; where relevant, to use software systems for recording and filing documentation to measure current usage; and to use word processing and other basic software for interpreting charts, flowcharts, graphs and other visual data and information

- supervisory skills to work effectively with a team.

Required Knowledge

- best practice approaches relevant to own area of responsibility and industry

- compliance requirements within work area for all relevant environmental/sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice including resource hazards/risks associated with work area, job specifications and procedures

- environmental and energy efficiency issues, systems and procedures specific to industry practice

- external benchmarks and support for particular benchmarks to be used within organisation, including approaches to improving resource use for work area and expected outcomes

- OHS issues and requirements

- organisational structure and reporting channels and procedures

- quality assurance systems relevant to own work area

- strategies to maximise opportunities and to minimise impact relevant to own work area

- supply chain procedures

- terms and conditions of employment including policies and procedures, such as daily tasks, work area responsibilities, employee, supervisor and employer rights, equal opportunity.

Evidence Guide

The evidence guide provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance criteria, required skills and knowledge, range statement and the Assessment Guidelines for the Training Package.

Overview of assessment
Critical aspects for assessment and evidence required to demonstrate competency in this unit Evidence of the following is essential:

- knowledge of relevant compliance requirements within work area

- developing plans to make improvements

- planning and organising work group activities in relation to measuring current use and devising strategies to improve usage

- monitoring resource use and improvements for environmental performance relative to work area and supervision

- ensuring appropriate action is taken within work area in relation to environmental/sustainability compliance and potential hazards

- implementing new approaches to work area in an effort to resolve and improve environmental and resource efficiency issues and reporting as required.

Context of and specific resources for assessment Assessment must ensure use of:

- access to an actual workplace or simulated environment

- access to a range of environment/sustainability legislation, standards, guidelines and procedural requirements relevant to specific work area, daily responsibilities and supervision

- access to a range of information, workplace documentation and resources such as compliance obligations, organisation plans, work supervision and responsibilities

- access to reports from other parties involved in the process of identifying and implementing improvements

- evidence is relevant to the particular workplace role, including work area, staff, stakeholders, equipment, systems and documentation.

Method of assessment A range of assessment methods should be used to assess practical skills and knowledge. The following examples are appropriate for this unit:

- direct questioning combined with review of portfolios of evidence and third party workplace reports of on-the-job performance by the candidate

- response to case studies

- review of reports of activities of work group in relation to measuring resource use and developing improvement strategies

- review of work plans outlining approaches to improved practices with documented benchmarks

- analysis of the way in which advice is sought and suggestions are made about improvements

- observation over time and in a range of situations in relation to review of overall work area and staff, to assess and measure resource use, hazards and compliance

- review of checklists to identify and assess resource usage at the beginning and end of the unit; reports on meetings around procedures and improvement processes and monitoring within the workplace; lists of environmental hazards/risks or inefficiencies or opportunities for improvements identified in the workplace

- analysis of implementation of programs such as a green office program, supply chain program for purchasing sustainable products, or an environmental management framework

- oral or written questioning to assess knowledge of environmental and energy efficiency issues, systems and procedures specific to industry practice.

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