
Bsbmkg511 analyse data from international markets

Analyse data from international markets Assessment - Trade-map data trends product opportunity report

Assessment Task - Write Opportunity Report - Identify Trademap product data

Purpose: This assessment aims to identify student's ability to analyse secondary data and interpret trends for international market opportunities. This will provide students with a working knowledge of real-world international market data.

Tasks - This report is in two parts and aims to identify opportunities for product import/export in writing this report choose a country that is within Australia's top 5 trading partners. At this stage (for Q1-3) any country of your choice. Please write short paragraphs with dot-points of key findings.

Part A -

1. Write a short overview of the existing trade (for both imports and exports Australia has with your chosen country). (select no-more than 10 products (5 products that are Imported & 5 that are Exported)

2. From the above identify appropriate graphs showing 5 of each categories of goods and services imported and exported from this country. Explain each graph as appropriate.

3. Please show on an appropriate graph what the value of $1AUD against your chosen country's currency looks like. You should show a graph for both one year and the last 5 years and explain how the Australian dollar has fluctuated in this time against your chosen country's currency.

Part B -

4. Identify from the following list one product from the category (from those listed below) and then:

  • Identify the importance of the trade partner
  • The range of categories and the types of trading (ie, import/export and No. of products within a category)
  • Also, volume and percentage change applicable to each category for a five year cycle,
  • including your chosen product and growth in that market cycle
  • What is the competitive market structure (identify competing countries for the product)
  • Who are they supplying to in that category
  • Can you identify reasons

Categories are either:

  • Fashion (Sportswear) (Pick only ONE product in this category...eg, Active Wear)
  • For Q5. Ensure you only use the following list of countries to answer the dot point items listed:
  • From any country that identifies volume of more than 2% (two per centum) Per -Annum.
  • May include specific areas of Asia - China, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan.

5. Identify potential predictions of trends of trade imports and exports of items that have more than 3% volume with your chosen country? Based on Q4 category info, please discuss and use appropriate graphs.

Word count is to be between 750 - 1000 words.

Requirement - The ability to:

  • analyse market data to inform marketing activities in an international context
  • produce a marketing plan containing a comprehensive analysis of trends, developments and competitor performance data.

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Business Management: Bsbmkg511 analyse data from international markets
Reference No:- TGS02708173

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