Bsbmgt515 manage operational plan - develop an operational

Assessment Task 1: Develop an operational plan

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective
To develop an operational plan to deliver organisation business goals and objectives

Assessment description
Learners are required to review an organisation's business plan to complete an operational plan using a case study.

1. To complete this assessment you will use the simulated organisation information provided in Appendix 1
2. Use the simulated business plan provided and review the information contained in the plan.
3. Complete a consultation strategy that details who you would consult with, why you would consult with them and the method of consultation.
4. Complete an operational plan using the provided template/format or your own template/format.
5. Obtain sign off from key stakeholders by obtaining their signature on the completed operational plan. (Who in the business would need to sign off the plan)

What the assessor is looking for;
- copy of a consultation strategy that details all of the people you would consult with, why you would consult with them and the proposed method of the consultation
- The operational plan must include the following information:
o Business goal: demonstrating an understanding of the organisations business goals and objectives.
o Objectives: understanding of what will be achieved through the implementation of the operational plan.
o Strategy: clear vision of the overall strategy for achieving the objective.
- Key actions: understanding of the key tasks required for implementing the plan including:
o deliverables
o person responsible
o timeline
o budget
o resource requirements
- Key performance indicators: demonstrated use of SMARTT KPIs.
- Contingency plans: demonstrated understanding of risks and identification of appropriate solutions.
- Outcome: clear vision of the expected outcome that demonstrates achievement of the strategy.
- Approvals: demonstrated understanding of the organisations operational plan approval process.

Assessment Task 2: Develop a recruitment strategy

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective
Develop a recruitment strategy; to meet the human resource requirements, of the organisational operational plan.

Assessment description
Learners are required to develop a recruitment strategy to acquire the human resources identified in their operational plan completed in Assessment 1

1. Review the operational plan completed for Assessment 1 to determine the human resource requirements.
2. Review the organisation's recruitment and selection policies and procedures.
3. Develop a recruitment strategy that adheres to the organisation's recruitment and selection policies and procedures, to acquire the required human resources.


Your assessor will be looking for:
- Identification of human resource requirements including:
o number of resources required
o full time or part time hours
o permanent or casual employment
o required start date
o expected length of employment
o skills required to perform in the role
o training you are able to provide
o qualifications required
o pay levels

- A documented strategy for each of the following:
o sourcing candidates
o assessing candidates
o inducting and training candidates

Assessment Task 3: Acquire physical resources

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective
The candidate is to complete an analysis of the organisation's physical resources and acquisition methods.

Assessment description
Learners are required to complete an analysis of physical resources and their acquisition methods and to make recommendations for changes to acquisition methods where a more beneficial option is identified.

1. Identify ten physical resources within your organisation or another organisation. See Appendix 2
2. Complete the table provided below
3. Make recommendations for changing acquisition methods where you identify a change could be beneficial to the organisation.


Your assessor will be looking for:
- Demonstrated understanding of the types of physical resources.
- Demonstrated understanding of the different methods of acquiring resources.
- Evidence of understanding the different organisational situations that impact the decision as to which acquisition method should be used.
- Ability to analyse physical resources and how they have been acquired and to make recommendations that could benefit the organisation.

Assessment Task 4: Monitor and review operational performance

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective
Monitor and review the performance of operational plans.

Assessment description
This assessment requires learners to develop a strategy to monitor and review and report on the performance of an operational plan within an organisation.

1. Using the operational plan you completed in Assessment Task 1 develop a review strategy for monitoring the performance of the plan.
2. Identify the appropriate personnel you would be required to consult to obtain all of the information you require to complete the review.
3. Develop a template for recording the performance of the plan and describe how this template will assist you with monitoring the performance of the plan.


What the assessor is looking for:
- A brief description of the operational plan that you are reviewing including:
? an overview of the plan
? a description of the type of plan and the objective
? KPIs used to measure the performance of the plan.
- A consultation strategy that demonstrates an understanding of others that need to be consulted with to obtain the information required to complete a comprehensive review.
? A report template that demonstrates a review of the performance of the operational plan with regards to the following questions:
? Is the plan on track to achieve milestones on time?
? Is the plan spending to date within budget?
? Are the milestone activities being completed as per the plan detail?
? Are the KPIs on track to being achieved?
? Are resources being utilised effectively, economically and safely?
- A report template that clearly identifies areas of non-performance

Assessment Task 5: Make recommendations

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective
Make recommendations to improve the performance of an operational plan.

Assessment description
This assessment requires learners to identify areas of non-performance of an operational plan and make recommendations to improve performance.

1. Using the simulated organisation information provided in Appendix 3 identify three areas of non-performance.
2. Develop recommendations to address these areas of non-performance.
3. Prepare a report to be submitted to have your recommendations approved


What the assessor is looking for:
- Identification of areas of non-performance.
- Recommendations are appropriate for the area of non-performance.
- Recommendations clearly state:
o what the issue is
o how you identified the issue
o what course of action you are recommending
o how your recommendations specifically addresses the issue
- A report that clearly presents the areas of non-performance and recommendations.

Assessment Task 6: Coaching plans

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective
Develop and implement a coaching plan to develop the skills of an individual.

Assessment description
This assessment requires learners to identify a coaching need, develop a plan and implement that coaching plan.

1. Identify a coaching need either inside or outside of the workplace.
2. Develop a coaching plan to address that need.
3. Coach an individual using that plan.
4. Have the individual complete the evaluation form provided.


What the assessor is looking for:
- Completion of coaching plan.
- Feedback from learner regarding whether or not the session was:
o well planned and structured
o easy to follow
o adequate time to practice was allowed
o and that feedback provided by facilitator was useful and assisted in the learning process.

Assessment Task 6: Coaching plans: Learner Evaluation Form

To be completed by the individual that the coaching session is completed for.

Introduced self and qualifications.
Introduced the purpose of the coaching session (clear objective determined).
Explained the learning process.
Presented in a logical order.
Delivery method appropriate to the subject.
Content relevant to the achievement of the objective.
Content matched to learner's level of skill and experience.
Learner's interest levels maintained.
Learner given appropriate time to practice. Provided tips throughout the practice phase.
Relevant and meaningful feedback provided. Encouragement provided.
Session delivered in required time frame.
Tone varied and interesting to listen to. Pace - too fast/too slow?
Used appropriate language/grammar.

Body language
Maintained eye contact.
Used gestures to emphasise key points. Avoided distracting mannerisms.
Looked comfortable and in control.
Used resources effectively to assist with the learning and understanding.
Used notes appropriately.

- Sampson, D. & Daft, R. (2012) "Fundamentals of Management Asia Pacific Edition". 4th edition. Cengage Learning.
- Bartol, K. Tien, M. Matthews, G & Sharma, B (2010) "Management, A Pacific Rim Focus" 6th edition. McGraw Hill

Students should also use resources such as "The Age" newspaper, Financial Review as well as magazine publications such as "BRW

Attachment:- Manage Operational Plan.rar

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Operation Management: Bsbmgt515 manage operational plan - develop an operational
Reference No:- TGS02199433

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