
Bsbled401 develops teams and individuals assignments you

Develops teams and individuals Assignments -

Assignment 1 - Determine development needs

Performance objective - You will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to determine development needs of individual within the workplace.

Assessment description - For this teak you will need to research the legislative requirements that can impact on decisions you may make regarding professional development programs for individuals at a workplace. Additionally, you will need to crease tools to gather feedback from stakeholders, aimed at making collaborative decisions to identity training needs for individuals and within the team. You will then collect and evaluate feedback.


Part A - Legislation report

1. Use the web resources listed in Section 1 of your Student workbook under 'legislation'and enter the site of the Commonwealth Government body that administer, the national anti-discrimination legislation.

2. Answer the following questions:

a. What is the name at the anti-discrimination body?

b. List the titles of the different legislation, including the year, that govern anti-discrimination for the Commonwealth or federal government.

c. Since July 1 2009, most Australian workplaces are governed by a system created by the Fair Work Act 2009. Who administers this act and what do they do in reaction to enforcing Commonwealth workplace law?

d. Look up the website of the body governing anti-discrimination legislation in your state and list the name of the administering body and title of the legislation (as maimed in a. and b. above).

a. In your own words, describe what unlawful discrimination is and how it can occur in regards to training.

f. Consider the following scenario: Helen had been working as a registrar in a school for many years and applied to undertake internal training in new information services being developed by the department. Her application was denied because management thought she was too old to learn about the new software being implemented.

i. Has Helen's employer acted ethically? Justify your response.

ii. How do you trunk the federal and state authorities will advise Helen in order to resolve the situation?

3. Document the answers to the questions in a brief report and submit to your assessor in accordance with the specifications below.

Part B: Evaluate performance and learning needs

1. Read the case study in the appendices to this task.

2. Your task is to help Mary self evaluate her current skills and performance while taking into consideration the growing demand of organisational requirements. The positron she was originally hired for is still important. Both you and Mary bellow that, with some professional development, she can handle the expanded role because, as she explained, that is what she's been doing since the business first started.

3. Next, collect feedback on Mary's performance from other relevant sources, and sit down with Mary to identity which areas to focus on for her skills development.

Construct a self-evaluation form -

1. Using the information provided above and in the case study, create a script which outlines the conversation you will have with Mary; how you will develop rapport with her, questions you would ask, your explanation for why and how you will be using a self -evaluation. The script should be approximately one page long.

2. To guide Mary's self-assessment against her professional development needs, you are going to construct a self-assessment form. This form will present Mary with a summary of her day today duties, including the new responsibilities she will be undertaking. This is the prelude to a face-to face interview for Mary, and will assist both of you to Calabash her learning needs with those of the team.

3. Develop a self evaluation form for the areas of performance required by Mary. On the form complete the following:

a. Identify what the forms for (title, name of respondent, purpose).

b. Construct a question format on the form that summarises Mary's  daily duties and provides space for her to rate the level of her skills. Including ant relevant areas from the information offered in the scenario.

c. Create a sector for Mary to record any other areas where she feels a professional development program would be advantageous.

Collect feedback from relevant sources

1. Another important source of information/feedback os from the clients that Mary takes calls from and works with regularly on behalf of the team. Your task is to create a 'client feedback form' to collect information regarding the service Mary delivers to customers of the company.

2. Develop a form to obtain feedback from clients. Focus on the service that Mary would deliver. On the form, complete the following,

a. Include a title, purpose of the form, and space for name, date and the person's title/job/position.

b. In consideration of your client's busy schedule, restrict subjects areas to the key skills related to the placement of orders by phone, providing good service, and follow-up. As you deem appropriate, use a rating system or other feedback format relevant to the subject matter.

3. Submit all documentation to your assessor.

Part C: Compare feedback on performance with established team learning needs - Evaluation report

1. The feedback from Mary and the clients revealed the following issues.

Clients felt that when they had a complaint or issue to be addressee, they were unsure whether Mary would fix it.

From personal experience, you have had difficulties with the filling and organisation of Mary's records.

Mary said she felt 'lost' at times when handling complaints and issues where order mistakes had occurred.

Mary also indicates a desire to impose her knowledge and ability to use spreadsheet and database programs in regards to the Microsoft Office suite of products.

2. Based upon the information revealed by this process, identify the competencies and/or skill areas that will provide the skill improvements Mary needs.

3. In addition to a self-evaluation of needs when selecting coerces and training modes, make further suggestions as to how the training program's goals, objectives and delivery modes can be collaboratively developed and agreed upon.

4. What type of training available to workplaces could provide a more valuable outcome for Mary? Consider potential promotions, the ability to gain alternative employment and also which training will match the specific skill requirements of competency standards relevant to Mary's industry. Justify pour response.

5. Document the answers to the above three questions in a short report and submit.

Assignment 2 - Develop team and individuals

Performance objective - You will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to develop teams and individuals.

Assessment description - For this task, you will carry out development tasks in three main areas. You will research mentoring and coaching and answer a series of questions. You will then participate in a role-play to determine the learning needs of a team member. You will answer a series of scenario-based questions on learning styles. Finally, you will develop a short learning strategy to meet organisational needs.

Note: The strategy you develop will be used In Assessment 'Task 3.

Procedure -

Part A -  Mentoring and coaching

Q&A -

1. Search the Internet or research at a local library in order to answer the following questions.

a. Describe what mentoring is and who could be used as a mentor.

b. In what situation would you use or appoint a mentor?

c. Describe what coaching is.

d. In what situation could a person benefit most from coaching?

e. Describe the differences between the role of a mentor and the role of a coach.

2. Prepare a document to submit to your assessor with the answers to the questions above. Make sure to include references to your research throughout your answers.


1. Review the MacVille case study information attached to the task.

2. Review the team member profiles.

3. Arrange with your assessor to conduct a role play. Your assessor will assign or play the role of Maria in the scenario.

4. Consider the following scenario.

You are Maria's supervisor. She has exhausted all sick leave and you suspect this Is due to poor time management and organisational skills.

Plan a meeting with Maria to discuss workplace learning opportunities with her. Prepare to discuss Maria's skills and performance.

Your discussion will be centred on the tasks she performs, her organisational and time management skills and what you can do to facilitate improvement of those skills.

You should discuss potential leartnings opportunities and outline how you can help provide those opportunities to Maria. Opportunities can be in the form of training, networking mentoring or coaching.

You will need to ensure Maria Is In agreement and realises the benefit of those opportunities to her development.

Discuss options with Maria in order to provide her with learning opportunities. Ensure you negotiate agreement on timeframes and learning goals.

5. Conduct the role play. During the role play, your assessor will be assessing:

a. how you engage with Maria (for example. using Questioning and listening Skills to determine the type of learning Maria requires, and how( you build a rapport in order to reach agreement with Maria)

b. how you overcome resistance to training with persistence and interpersonal skills

c. the conclusions you draw from your conversation and a clear explanation of how you will help the learning opportunities as her supervisor

d. the planning processes you wit use to ensure success (for exam*. how you will implement and monitor learning and evaluate its success In C0111100ra0on with Maria; your ability to negotiate timeframes for action).

Part B - Learning styles

1. Research learning styles. especially behavioural traits that will assist in recognizing these, and what to look lee in a professional development opportunity that best suits an individual's learning style.

2. Read the case study of team member profiles at the end of this assessment

3. Consider the following questions.

  • For each of the three persons described in the case study, what is the predominant learning style (visual, auditory, kinaesthetic) of each individual? List the clues given in the case study. Justify your answer and include references to your research.
  • If you were arranging training/professional development sessions, describe some strategies that you would look for in the program delivery descriptions, notes/handouts, and much materials which night assist the learning of a person favouring each learning style. Describe at least three for each learning style.

4. Prepare a document for submission to your assessor with answers to the above questions.

Part C - Develop Individuals and teams

1. Consider the scenario at the end of this assessment task

2. Consider your team members profiles in the case study.

3. Formulate a training strategy to meet the needs implied by the scenario. including:

a. objectives for the0 organisation with regard to customer service and internal processes (to be met with training and development)

b. an explanation of gaps between the current state and the objectives. What are the strengths and weakness of the team? What are their current competencies? What competencies do they require for their position?

c. a set of actions to close the gap within the required timelines. What sorts of programs would help close the gaps?

d. monitoring admires to ensure the strategy' stays on track. Now will you measure success?

4. Document the strategy to submit to your assessor.

Assignment 3 - Monitor and evaluate training

Performance objective - You will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to monitor and evaluate workplace learning.

Assessment description - Following on from Assessment Task 2, you are repined to evaluate a number of short- listed professional development programs, develop a schedule based on one of the options, collect feedback, negotiate with a team member on future development opportunities, and submit a report on the professional development of the team member.

Procedure -

Pert A - Plan development opportunities

1. Review the case study, and profiles in Assessment ink 2. Also review the training, strategy you developed.

2. Review the following scenario.

After collecting the self evaluation form and discussing professional development needs at a meeting with Gino, you have both agreed that you and the team require him upgrade his time management skills.

You have been advised by Seamus (and made Gino aware) that the organisation requires all issues to be addressed by the end of this quarter (eight weeks only).

Four weeks from now, a review of protein - to monitor the progress of the development program and the extent of any additional development support, if needed - will be conducted by Gino and yourself.

Gino has supplied you with a short-list of three courses that he believes will address his learning needs and assist him to manage the current workload he has mounting up. You will find these at Appendix 1. He is happy for you to decide which of the three programs he will attend.

3. Select one of the three programs shortlisted In Appendix 1.

4. Read the development policy in Appendix 2. Create a training schedule for the program and outline:

a. dates and times

b. resources

c. breakdown of costs.

5. Write a short reflection on the process you followed to develop and approve your schedule. In your reflection:

a. explain how your chosen program meets Gino's needs. How does this option offer a range of development opportunities that incorporate activities and support materials appropriate to the achievement of identified competencies?

b. explain how the program meets the needs of the organisation, for example how the program is compatible with the objectives and strategy you developed in Assessment Task 2. Explain how proposed timelines and resources required for the learning activity satisfy organisational requirements.

c. explain how you will obtain approval for the program. Refer to any applicable policies.

6. Submit your schedule and reflection to your assessor in accordance with the specifications outlined at the end of this procedure.

Part B: Collect feedback from individuals

1. Review the objectives of the training Strategy and consider Gino's needs with respect to the training program you have scheduled.

2. Create a questionnaire (on a separate sheet) that can be used by team members Such as Gino to evaluate and assess any professional development courses and/or events that they have attended. Later in this assessment, this feedback will also be used by you to evaluate the worth of the event to the team member and to your organisation. This will inform a meeting with the team member and a report

3. Submit the questionnaire to your assessor in accordance with the specifications outlined at the end of this procedure.

Part C: Assess performance, negotiate future learning and report on professional development

1. Review the following scenario.

Four weeks have passed, and Gino has completed the bme management Course. Seamus has expensed satisfaction and noted the imprisonments in the performance of your team against the objectives set. All team members, with the exception of Gino, are now performing to the level required. Maria reports coaching by Graham as successful. Graham undergoing mentor and workplace coach training is of great value to developing other team members.

You still have concerns with Gore's performance. The mid-term review with Gino has also been conducted and pore hate made the following notes summarizing progress and concerns.

  • There has been a noticeable improvement in the schedule for client visits being kept by Gino, but this morning a complaint was received regarding a meeting Gino missed.
  • In his defence, Gino stated that Vilna had the meeting entered on his schedule. but three fellow team members had requested his assistance that morning, which had made late, and when he called to let the client know he was held up but on his way, they cancelled.
  • Gino has demonstrated that the strategies he learnt from the time management course to address the original concerns have improved his knowledge and strategies in this area. However, concerns remain about certain situations he is experiencing in the workplace.

2. Arrange with pour assessor a time and pike to role-play a meeting with Gino. Prepare to discuss Gino's performance and negotiate future steps to improve performance, including further professional development within the organisation's time limit. Prepare for this meeting by considering future professional development opportunities to suggest to Gino. Explain organisational policy for developing teams.

3. Conduct the role-play. Ensure you conduct the meeting with Gino in a respectful and professional manner. Ensure you get agreement from Gino for future slept Record these for reporting purposes.

4. Write a report on Gino's professional development in accordance with relevant reporting policy.

a. Discuss Gino's performance. Use at least one example.

b. Discuss the professional development activities undertaken to date to develop Gino's skills.

c. Identify gaps between Gino's current performance and organisational needs.

d. Discuss next steps for Gino's professional development as negotiated with him.

e. Evaluate the success of professional development for Gino and others against organisational objectives.

f. Explain organisational policy for developing teams.

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