
Bsbldr502 lead and manage effective workplace


This assessment must be based on where you work (or have worked most recently).

This Assessment is designed to test the knowledge that you have acquired throughout the unit. Use the following tips to help you answer the questions:

Read each question carefully. Check with your trainer or assessor if you are not sure what the question is asking.

HINT: Use these questions as subheadings to create a business style report to answer your assessment

Your response to each question should aim to provide enough information to answer the question. In most cases, this can be done with just a few paragraphs. Don?t forget to refer to attachments under the heading (question) applicable, e.g. „See attached email?.

Important: Your assessment must contain this coversheet and your own coversheet (for your "report") Your answers & assessment submission must professional in style (Business), content and format.

Maximum font size 11 points: Font Arial or Times New Roman; single spacing; clear paragraphs with appropriate punctuation, spellchecking and final submission will need to be proof-read. (i.e. few missing words or typo?s)

In particular:
- Use clear, non-discriminatory language
- Avoid the use of jargon
- Write clearly using plain English
- Consider your target audience
- Ensure that your responses meet the needs of the target audience (in this case your trainer or assessor). All of your work must be original.
Performance Evidence

Evidence of the ability to:

• develop and/or implement processes to manage ideas and information including:
› communicating information to support others to achieve work responsibilities
› facilitating employees' contributions to consultation on work issues
› providing feedback on the outcomes of consultations
› resolution of issues raised or referral to relevant personnel
-  establish and/or implement policies to ensure that the organisation?s cultural diversity and ethical values are adhered to
-  provide leadership through own behaviour including:
› professional conduct that promotes trust with internal and external contacts
› adjusting own interpersonal communication style to meet the organisation?s cultural diversity and ethical environment
-  plan for, and manage, the use of networks to support identifiable outcomes for the team and the organisation
-  develop and/or implement processes and systems to manage difficulties including:
› identifying and resolving conflicts and other difficulties according to organisational policies and procedures
› planning how to address difficulties

› providing guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work difficulties.

Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once.

Knowledge Evidence

To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:

-  explain how systems, policies and procedures can support the development of effective work relationships focusing on interpersonal styles, communications, consultation, cultural and social sensitivity, networking and conflict resolution
-  outline legislation relevant to managing effective workplace relationships.



Based on the organisation where you work.

The owner/ manager has decided to improve quality of workplace relationships and raise sense of satisfaction among staff by implementing a workmate buddy project by the end of next quarter.

You are required to look around and find a suitable workmate buddy in your workplace for a quarter of year. The goals are
• Assisting and openly communicating with each other
• Sharing knowledge, skills
• Developing and maintaining internal and external workplace relationship networks
• Raising issues and seeking for constructive and positive consultancy to eventually resolve conflicts (conflict management)
• Improving work performance in accordance to KPIs etc.

Your owner/manager has requested you to provide a report about the workmate buddy project by the end of quarter.


Please carefully read each question and provide your report below;

Details that must be included in the report:


Part A

Executive Summary

- A summary of your report and what you will be submitting in the following pages (Min 60 words)
- The top-line findings (Min 4 bullet points)
- The types of information you will need to gather for the manager to make the final decision. (including a summary explanation why each piece of information is necessary, 45 words each - at least 4 types of information)

Part B

A 360 Degree Analysis (about you!)

1. A brief knowledge about your vision, mission, values, objectives, targets, plans, qualifications, expertise, experiences. (30 words each)
2. A brief analysis of yourself using SWOT analysis.(SWOT chart required)
3. Peer (your work mate) analysis - including preferred person with the criteria - what do you think your peer think of you?(Min 60 words)

Part C

Main part

1. Discuss how you develop and implement your ongoing plan including time line to build strong workplace relationships among of staff and find your workmate buddy? (Action plan required)

2. Describe the area that you would like your buddy to focus on? (e.g. marketing, accounts, sales, operation)

3. Explain what facilities are in place in your organisation so that all staff can easily and openly communicated with each other; also, explain how you communicated and your workmate buddy to ensure they are the best and suitable for you?

4. Explain how you professionally treat and behave with your workmate buddy and what are your expectations as to how you wish to be treated & supported and how you will assist each other?

5. Discuss how to develop and/or implement strategies that you and/or your buddy raise issues, process consultation and constructive support in resolving work difficulties.(Action plan required)

6. Demonstrate how you and your workmate develop and implement an action plan to manage conflicts (Action plan required).

Part D

Policies and Procedures

1. Include one of the policies of your organisation?s cultural diversity to ensure organisation?s cultural diversity and an ethical value is adhered to.

2. Include one of the polices to ensure conflict is identified and managed Note: If you have none of the above, you must create them.

Part E

Review the buddy project

1. Summary. (60 words)
2. 4 things that went well.
3. 4 things that could be improved.

Part F

Workplace Evidence

Provide evidences of your workplace such as payslips, ID card, emails or pictures, etc.

Extra instructions: Your report will be at least 5 pages and approximately 1000 word count. Your report will include any necessary tables, diagrams or pictures to support your findings or hypothesis? on the managing of communication and difficulties. Be sure to include your bibliography - Author, Year of Publication, Title of Article, Name of Publication (or website address), and page number (if a book or PDF)

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