
Bsbldr501-develop and use emotional intelligence assessment

Develop and use emotional intelligence Assessment -

For this assessment you will need to perform the following observation in a workplace or simulated environment.

You must be observed performing the criteria listed below in a workplace or simulated environment.

  • Identifying the impact of own emotions on others by identifying own emotional strengths and weaknesses, stressors, emotional states and triggers and gathering feedback from others
  • Modelling behaviours that demonstrate management of emotions
  • Recognising and responding to the emotional states of others promote the development of emotional intelligence in others

Once you are ready you are going to need to:

  • Identify the impact of own emotions on others in the workplace
  • Recognise and appreciate the emotional strengths and weaknesses of others
  • Promote the development of emotional intelligence in others
  • Utilise emotional intelligence to maximise team outcomes

While you identify the impact of own emotions on others in the workplace you will be assessed on the following points:

  • Your ability to identify own emotional strengths and weaknesses
  • Your ability to identify personal stressors and own emotional states related to the workplace
  • Your ability to develop awareness of own emotional triggers and use this awareness to enable control emotional responses
  • Your ability to model workplace behaviours that demonstrate management of emotions
  • Your ability to use self-reflection and feedback from others to improve development of own emotional intelligence

While you recognise and appreciate the emotional strengths and weaknesses of others you will be assessed on the following points:

  • Your ability to respond to the emotional states of co-workers and assess emotional cues
  • Your ability to identify the varying cultural expressions of emotions are utilise to respond to emotional cues in a diverse workforce
  • Your ability to demonstrate flexibility and adaptability in dealing with others
  • Your ability to take into account the emotions of others when making decisions

While you promote the development of emotional intelligence in others you will be assessed on the following points:

  • Your ability to provide opportunities for others to express their thoughts and feelings
  • Your ability to assist others to understand the effect of their behaviour and emotions on others in the workplace
  • Your ability to encourage the self-management of emotions in others
  • Your ability to encourage others to develop their own emotional intelligence to build productive relationships and maximise workplace outcomes

While you utilise emotional intelligence to maximise team outcomes you will be assessed on the following points:

  • Your ability to encourage a positive emotional climate in the workplace
  • Your ability to use the strengths of workgroup members to achieve workplace outcomes

When you have successfully finished this assessment you will need to hand in the assignment that you have completed.

Instructions for the Assessor:

You must observe the student performing the criteria listed below in a workplace or simulated environment.

  • Identifying the impact of own emotions on others by identifying own emotional strengths and weaknesses, stressors, emotional states and triggers and gathering feedback from others
  • Modelling behaviours that demonstrate management of emotions
  • Recognising and responding to the emotional states of others promote the development of emotional intelligence in others

Then you are to complete the Assessor Observation Checklist as follows:

  • If the student completes the task in full, then complete "How and where performance criteria were observed".
  • Supplementary questions are only required if the observation points are not observed or not satisfactory.

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Dissertation: Bsbldr501-develop and use emotional intelligence assessment
Reference No:- TGS02922835

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