
Bsbitu404 - produce complex desktop published documents -

Assessment 1 - PROJECT

Performance objective

Students are required to demonstrate their understanding and ability to develop complex desktop published documents by preparing to produce desktop published documents, design, create, finalise and produce desktop publishing documents.

Assessment Description: -

For this task you are to prepare THREE different sets of page layouts according to your client's requirements (role played by the assessor).
Your assessor will observe you doing this task and will be assessing you for:
• Using safe work practices
a. Adjust workspace, furniture and equipment to suit your ergonomic requirements
b. Follow workplace procedures in using computer equipment
c. Demonstrate energy & resource conservation techniques , such as following
• double-sided paper use
• recycling used and shredded paper
• re-using paper for rough drafts (observing confidentiality requirements)
• using power-save options for equipment
d. Identify and follow task & organisational requirements for text documents like naming and storing
Discuss your client's (role played by assessor) requirements
Set up your document including a master page for multiple pages and multiple columns
o Prepare your text
o Use master pages, templates and styles sheets consistently
o Link text boxes and columns for text flow and heading hierarchies
o Set up your colour palettes
- Arrange elements on your page
o Import graphics correctly
o Import and format text
o Create elements and arrange effectively
Finalise artwork
o Compose pages and combined elements to suit specified sheet size
o Identify numerical sequence and laydown of the product or mock-up

Instructions for Students:
Whilst researching and writing your project it is important to:
• Read the Assessment description carefully.
• Assessment should be in a Word format.
• Assemble and analyze a set of sources that you have determined are relevant to the issues you are investigating.
• Acknowledge clearly when and how you are drawing on the ideas or phrases of others;
• Consult your instructors when you are unsure about how to acknowledge the contributions of others to your thought and writing.
• Read the Plagiarism policy and procedure carefully to understand the consequences that you could face if your work is plagiarized.
• Student can seek clarification regarding the assessment required to be done.
• Students can ask for reasonable time from Assessor for preparation of project or Assessment.
• Students can seek information on additional reading material and reference for completion of the assessments.
• Students with special needs can seek assistance from Assessors depending upon the nature of the need.
• Submit this document along with your Assessment work.


Please refer to the instructions below regarding completing this assessment This is an open book written assessment. In the time allocated, you are to answer all of the following questions. Make sure you:

• Write Clearly
• Answer all questions
• Use a pen. Assessments written in pencil will not be accepted.
• Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to re-word the question for you
• Do not talk to your classmates. If you are caught talking, you will be asked to leave and your assessment will not be marked.
• Do not cheat. Anyone caught cheating will automatically be marked Not Yet Competent for this unit. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.


1. What ergonomic requirements must you adhere to when working on a computer? What work organization strategies should be used?

2. What are the different qualities of TIFF and EPS and when would you use them?

3. What is readability and what is the importance of designing for readability?

4. What are the points to consider before starting to write a desktop published document?

5. What are true type fonts?

6. What is the importance of type to the overall design?

7. What are the elements involved in design of a document? (at least 200 words)

8. What is design? Why is design and layout important in arranging artwork?

9. Why is it important to understand the target audience?

10. What are the functions of desktop publishing softwares?

11. List conservation techniques you could apply when producing desktop published documents

12. Describe in detail the ergonomically correct way to sit at a computer desk.

13. What is a style guide?

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