
Bsbint409plan for international trade assignment evaluate


Assessment Task 1 - Knowledge Questions

1.1 Outline a basic policy (within 100 words) and a procedure (within 100 words) describing the planning stage for international trade.

1.2 How can you find resources that provide information on the current service status of particular transport routes?

1.3 (a) Conduct an online research and investigate the rating principles and methods used in domestic sea, road, rail and air transport and outline the costs and other related points in the space below.

Domestic sea

Charter vessel


Operate own trucks



(b) Draft a short email to your client summarising your findings in 1.3(a).

1.4 Describe in 5-6 very basic steps the process you would undertake to ship a motor vehicle from Japan to Australia.

1.5 List at least 5 factors you need to consider when planning to move freight.

1.6 Your company is planning on importing 10,000 x 100ml plastic bottles from China for a new product it's about to launch. You are responsible for ensuring the process happens without any issues and in a way that is most beneficial for the company. What are some of the risks and other considerations you need to make in planning to import your bottles via air and / or sea? List a minimum of 4 risks.

1.7 Based on current industry practices, what is the accepted method / or transport (i.e. air and/or sea) for the following items? For each item identify risk factors in relation to packing and storing of goods for transportation.

1.8 List two organisations that can provide you with information on the availability of services of particular transport routes.

1.9 Identify at least three airlines and air cargo services operating in and out of Australia.

1.10 What do FCL & LCL stand for?

1.11 List at least four types of shipping services.

1.12 List at least two types of ocean vessels.

1.13 Outline at least two the pros and cons of the following shipping services. (2.4, RS2)

1.14 Provide three examples of specialised materials and / or accessories available to protect containerised cargo.

1.15 List three types of containers available for international cargo and evaluate their use.

1.16 Packages sent interstate and overseas are often marked with labels. What kind of information should be included in those labels and why?

1.17 List at least five standard and extraordinary ancillary shipment costs

1.18 Provide at least two examples of legislation, codes of practice, standards and international conventions that have impact on business operations in international trade.

Assessment task 2 - Practical Activities

Part A - Shipping and airfreight services and determine the most appropriate transport method and route and protection/security options

2.1 Identify 3 air cargo services and 3 shipping services operating in and out of Australia to Japan.

2.2 Compare and document the configuration and carrying capacities of 2 types of aircraft and 2 ocean vessels that go to Japan.

2.3 Summarise the different shipping services and transport routes offered

2.4 Evaluate the conditions and risks of the services and routes

2.5 Make a recommendation of the 2 best shipping options you researched, one by sea and one by air.

Part B - Evaluate packing, marking and stowage requirements for a variety of cargo

2.6 Identify and document 5 risks of packing and storing Tim Tams and Vegemite.

2.7 Analyse a range of containers available for international cargo and recommend the best container for Tim Tams and Vegemite. Explain the reason for your choice.

2.8 Identify marking requirements for cargo and recommend correct marking requirements for Tim Tams and Vegemite cargo.

Part C - Calculate international freight and other shipment costs

2.9 - Investigate and report the types of rates, volume to weight ratio factors, volume rules including rounding off and allowable projections, principles and methods of rating cargo for international carriage by sea and air for your cargo. Be sure to take into account variations in calculating shipping charges and other variants.

2.10 Research and report on variations in airfreight charges caused by the applicability of TACT rates, fuel surcharges and other variants. How does the exchange rate effect exports?

2.11 The Japanese buyer has requested a sample before shipment. Provide a costing for sending a 12 kg parcel of Tim Tams by air from Brisbane to Tokyo using:

2.12 What is the maximum you can send via air with each of these providers?

2.13 The Japanese buyer has requested an urgent formal trading conference with senior executives from your company before shipment. Investigate and report the cost of chartering an aircraft to fly from Brisbane to Tokyo, Japan, to take these executives to the trade conference. There will be six executives including you.

2.14 For your cargo of 500kg of Tim Tams and 1000kg of Vegemite calculate and document all standard and extraordinary ancillary shipment costs on a door-to-door basis.

2.15 Compare and contrast the costs of shipping 500kg of Tim Tams and 1000kg of Vegemite from Brisbane to Tokyo using the 3 air cargo services and 3 shipping services you identified in Part A.

2.16 Summarise the total cost concept and all factors that determine whether your cargo (500kg of Tim Tams and 1000kg of Vegemite) should be carried by air, sea or a combination of both.

Assessment task 3 - Communication and Presentation

Part A

3.1 You work as an external export adviser. You are dealing with a client who wants to import products from New Zealand. The client does not want to pay for insurance as he thinks it is not needed. Send an email to your client explaining:

  • two reasons you recommend to insure cargo.
  • five hazards that could be covered in an insurance policy
  • three steps you can take to ensure you are getting a good deal on your cargo insurance

3.2 Reply to his email outlining the following:

  • Research and present 3 standard types of insurance cover.
  • Recommend which insurance cover your company should use for its cargo. Explain your choice.
  • List all of the documents to be lodged with carriers, forwarders, insurance underwriters and customs if your cargo is lost or damaged.

Part B -

Create a short presentation of 10 minutes summarising your findings, recommendations and suggestions from Part A

You should

  • Participate in verbal and non-verbal exchanges using appropriate language
  • Request the views and opinions of others by listening and questioning

To present your slides you should book in a time with your Trainer/Assessor during assessment support tutorial. Upon completion please make sure your Trainer/Assessor completes and signs the Observation Checklist located at the front of this assessment document.

Your slides should be designed in professional manner with consistent font and design. Use visual cues where appropriate. Do not make them text heavy. Do not make more than 5 slides.

The trainer will be looking for these key criteria to be met by you during the presentation:-

  • Delivered the presentation in a professional manner
  • Asked the views and opinions of others by listening and questioning
  • Demonstrated an understanding of the application of their recommendation into a workplace
  • Used active listening and questioning techniques to confirm understanding of audience
  • Outlined the risk involved with accepting this recommendation
  • Selected and used appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating
  • Explained complex information using language appropriate to audience and environment

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Microeconomics: Bsbint409plan for international trade assignment evaluate
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