
Bsbinn601 - lead and manage organisational change learner

Lead and manage organisational change Learner Workbook

Activity 1A -

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to identify strategic change needs through an analysis of organisational objectives.

Activity - Why is it important to analyse the organisation's objectives when identifying change requirements or opportunities?

Give three examples of the types of strategic change that may be required as a result of an analysis of organisational objectives.

Activity 1B -

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to review existing policies and practices against strategic objectives to identify where changes are required.

Activity - Why should existing policies and practices be reviewed against strategic objectives?

Imagine that an organisation has a new strategic objective concerning the introduction of new technology throughout the business which will affect all employees. Which types of policies and practices may need to be reviewed in the light of this objective?

Activity 1C -

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to monitor the external environment to identify events or trends that impact on the achievement of organisational objectives.

Activity - Give six examples of the types of external trends or events that may impact on achievement of the organisation's objectives.

Using the PESTLE analysis tool, identify three current factors in each category which affect (or may potentially affect) your industry sector.


Current factor













Activity 1D -

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to identify major operational change requirements due to performance gaps, business opportunities or threats, or management decisions.

Activity - Give 3 examples of each of the following factors which may result in change in an organisation:



Performance gaps


Business opportunities


Business threats


Management decisions


Imagine that a graphic design company has found that they are only delivering 70% of customer projects on time; that customer satisfaction is low and that a competitor has started trading on the same business park, targeting the same customer base. What changes might arise from this set of circumstances?

Activity 1E -

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to review and prioritise change requirements or opportunities with relevant managers; and to consult stakeholders, specialists and experts to assist in the identification of major change requirements and opportunities.

Activity - Why is it important to review and prioritise change requirements or opportunities with relevant managers and specialists?

Imagine that you are consulting with a group of managers about proposed new changes in manufacturing processes to improve productivity and reduce waste. Draw up an agenda for a meeting with this group at which you wish to consult them about the proposed changes and their priorities.

Imagine that you are briefing a contractor to support you to identify opportunities for a major change in your organisation. What key points would you wish to include in this conversation?

Activity 2A -

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to undertake cost-benefit analysis for high priority change requirements and opportunities.

Activity - Why is it important to undertake a cost-benefit analysis for high priority change requirements and opportunities?

Imagine the graphic design company has decided to invest $50,000 in new equipment, staff training and consultancy support to streamline its work flow. What are the potential tangible and intangible benefits to be achieved from this investment?

Activity 2B -

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to undertake risk analysis and apply problem solving and innovation skills to identify barriers to change and agree and record mitigation strategies.

Activity - What is the purpose of a risk analysis when developing a change management strategy?

Imagine that the graphic design company is introducing new technology and working practices. What barriers might be encountered?

What mitigation strategies could be implemented to avoid the barriers identified in the previous question?

Activity 2C -

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to develop change management project plan.

Activity - Why is it important to develop a change management project plan?

What key information should be included in the change management project plan?

Activity 2D -

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to obtain approvals from relevant authorities to confirm the change management process.

Activity - Why is it important to gain approval from relevant authorities for change management processes?

Imagine that you are applying for access to a funding partner's grant for businesses such as yours. You are seeking their approval for a change programme in which you are requesting a $5,000 investment in developing new procedures and staff training. How would you obtain the funding partner's approval?

Activity 2E -

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to assign resources to the project and agree reporting protocols with relevant managers.

Activity - What resources might you allocate to a project?

Identify a current, small scale work (or non-work-related) project that is taking place in your organisation. Identify the resources that would be required to successfully implement this project.

For the project above, identify who needs to be updated as to the progress of the project, how this is done and how frequently.

Activity 3A -

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to develop communication or education plan, in consultation with relevant groups and individuals, to promote the benefits of the change to the organisation and to minimise loss.

Activity - Why is it important to develop a communication plan as part of implementing the change strategy?

Think of a recent change that took place in your organisation. What were the benefits of this change?

Thinking of the same change as in the previous question, what types of loss were experienced by people affected by or involved in the change? How was this taken into account in the communication process?

Activity 3B -

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to arrange and manage activities to deliver the communication or education plans to relevant groups and individuals.

Activity - Imagine that you are planning a series of briefing sessions to brief the staff about a forthcoming office move. What should your briefing cover?

What practical arrangements do you need to consider when arranging and managing communication/training activities?

Activity 3C -

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to consult with relevant groups and Individuals for input into the change process.

Activity - Imagine that you are planning a consultation event in your own organisation as part of a change program to introduce new equipment (hardware or software).

Please answer the following questions:

How would you select members of the consultation group/s?

When, where and how will the consultation's take place?

What key questions will be asked as part of the consultation process?

What will happen to the results/output from the consultation process?

Activity 3D -

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to identify and respond to barriers to the change according to risk management plans.

Activity - Imagine that you are managing the project which you considered in Activity 3C. What barriers might you encounter and how might you respond to them?

Activity 3E -

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to action interventions and activities set out in project plan according to project timetable.

Activity - Choose three of the following possible interventions and actions which may occur on a project plan. Thinking of the context of your own organisation, describe how you would ensure the correct/appropriate implementation of these actions:

  • Action research
  • Career planning
  • Job redesign
  • Sensitivity training
  • Succession planning
  • Surveys (with feedback)
  • Team building
  • Termination or redeployment Training
  • Transition analysis

Activity 3F -

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to activate strategies for embedding the change.

Activity - Why is it important to activate strategies for embedding the change?

Imagine that you are managing a change programme to implement a series of complex new procedures which are designed to reduce waste and improve quality and efficiency. What strategies might you use to embed the change?

Activity 3G -

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to conduct regular evaluation and review and modify project plan where appropriate to achieve change program objectives.

Activity - Why is it important to evaluate and review progress during a change management programme?

What methods can be used to evaluate and review progress of a change programme?

Following on from Activity 3F, imagine that you are managing a change programme to implement a series of complex new procedures which are designed to reduce waste and improve quality and efficiency. What methods would you use to evaluate and review progress towards achieving your objectives?

Skills and Knowledge Activity -

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the foundation skills, knowledge evidence and performance evidence.

Activity - Complete the following individually and attach your completed work to your workbook.

The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Oral communication
  • Numeracy
  • Navigate the world of work
  • Interact with others
  • Get the work done
  • Change management process or cycle and strategies for communicating and embedding change
  • Organisational behaviour and the external environment impact on change strategies
  • Components of a change management project plan
  • Potential barriers to change and the possible strategies to address barriers

Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one.

1. Describe a process or cycle for managing organisational change effectively.

2. What are the components of a change management project plan?

3. Identify six external environmental factors which can impact on change strategies. Give two examples of relevant areas under each category.

4. Describe how organisational behaviour can affect a change management programme.

5. List three potential barriers to change in your organisation and describe specifically how those barriers may impede the change process.

6. Describe three strategies for embedding change in an organisation. You should mention how the project leader can use their interpersonal and leadership skills to support this.

Major Activity -

Objective - To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the entire unit.

Activity - This is a major activity - your instructor will let you know whether you will complete it during class or in your own time.

Attach your completed answers to the workbook.

You must individually, answer the following questions in full to show your competency of each element:

1. Identify change requirements and opportunities

2. Develop change management strategy

3. Implement change management strategy

Describe how you have identified a need for strategic change in your organisation by:

1. Analysing organisational objectives

2. Reviewing existing policies and practices

3. Researching external events or trends

4. Reviewing performance gaps, business opportunities or threats, management decisions

5. Consulting with relevant managers, specialists and experts.

Describe how you developed a change management strategy for your organisation, including how you:

6. Conducted a cost-benefit analysis for the change

7. Identified barriers to the change

8. Undertook a risk analysis and agreed mitigation strategies

9. Developed a change management project plan

10. Obtained approval from the relevant authorities

11. Assigned resources to the project and agreed reporting protocols.

Describe how you implemented the change management strategy including how you:

12. Developed and implemented a communication/education plan to promote the change and minimise loss

13. Consulted with relevant groups and individuals for their input to the change process

14. Identified and responded to any barriers to the change

15. Actioned any interventions and activities according to the plan

16. Activated strategies to embed the change

17. Evaluated and reviewed the change

18. Modified the project plan when necessary.

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Management Theories: Bsbinn601 - lead and manage organisational change learner
Reference No:- TGS02150030

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