
Bsbinn502 build and sustain an innovative work environment

Build and sustain an innovative work environment Assessment Task - Workspace redesign

Performance objective - You must demonstrate knowledge of design requirements for workspaces that support innovation and work with a team to redesign a workspace.

Assessment description - You may have found that you encountered a barrier to innovation in the previous assessment task, namely, the physical environment.

A critical factor for enabling innovation is the design of workspaces. Innovative workspaces typically include:

  • collaborative spaces
  • social areas
  • inspirational features (designs, interesting objects, posters).

And you don't need to build the Googleplex in order to foster innovation. Many improvements can be achieved on low/no budgets with simple reorganisation of workspaces.

In this assessment, you will work with a team to redesign a workspace so that it can support innovation activities more effectively. You will then present your findings to your fellow learners.

Procedure -

1. Confirm a workspace with your assessor. It is suggested that you complete this task in the same business as Assessment Task 2; but you can use any place where groups of people work, including your place of learning.

2. Form a project team of three people (yourself and two stakeholders that use the workspace) that you will work with for the duration of this task.

3. With your project team, confirm a profile of the organisation in which the workspace is located; including:

  • a description of the workspace
  • a brief organisational profile
  • organisational goals and objectives
  • why innovation is important for this organisation.

4. Develop evaluation criteria. With your project team, brainstorm a list of at least five design points that foster innovation in a workspace. You can record the list on the attached workspace evaluation form.

5. Evaluate the workspace. With your project team, identify any physical challenges and barriers to innovation presented by the workspace and evaluate the chosen workspace against the criteria developed in Step 3 using a rating system (again, you can use the attached workspace evaluation as a starting point).

6. Identify solutions. With your project team, brainstorm solutions as a group that will address deficiencies in design points identified in your evaluation. Be sure to record:

  • the rationale for each solution
  • any inspiration/sources for these solutions (you can cite inspirations from the internet, magazines, site visits, etc.)
  • any external assistance required to implement the solutions
  • approximate costs
  • sketches of the proposed changes (these may be hand-drawn sketches, computer-generated diagrams, photos or videos).

7. Present your findings during the scheduled session time. Your presentation:

  • should be of around 10 minutes in length
  • must be delivered using presentation slides
  • might include handouts, posters or other print-based aids.

Specifications -

You must provide:

  • a presentation of around ten minutes in length outlining the findings and outcomes of steps 3-6 of the above procedure
  • a copy of any material used to aid your presentation
  • copies of any notes, sketches, photos and other papers or files generated throughout the course of your collaboration on the workspace redesign
  • your completed workspace evaluation form.

Your assessor will be looking for:

  • use of clear language appropriate to the audience to promote and share information, requirements and recommendations relating to the workplace redesign
  • presentation of ideas and concepts using structure and language to suit the audience
  • alignment of ideas for workspace changes to workplace goals and objectives
  • collaboration and sharing of ideas with the project team
  • an understanding of how the physical working environment could be modified to support creative thinking and innovation activities
  • identification of physical challenges and barriers to innovation present in a chosen work space.

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

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Dissertation: Bsbinn502 build and sustain an innovative work environment
Reference No:- TGS02832796

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