
Bsbinn301 promote innovation in a team environment

Promote Innovation in a Team Environment Assessment - Practical Project

Assessment - Promote innovation in a team environment - Please complete the following activities.

Project Task 1 - Form an innovative team

Performance objective - In this assessment task, you will demonstrate skills and knowledge necessary to organise effective ways of working within a team and maximise innovation within a team.

Assessment description - Using the scenario information supplied, the candidate will work with others to set goals for a team, build a team, set ground rules and responsibilities, assign tasks, and schedule team activities. The candidate will also motivate the team towards success. The candidate will supply a portfolio of documents as evidence of team participation.

How to complete this task -

1. Review the scenarios for several case study organisations provided in Appendix 1 of this assessment task.

2. Note the 'innovation challenge' at the end of each scenario.

3. Work with others to build a team of 3-4 people.

Note: If you are isolated from team members (can be your friends, family members, or colleagues in play the role of team members), the part of this task can be varied to take place using Skype conferencing (or any other video conferencing tool available).

4. Choose one scenario together.

5. Work with your team to set team goals based on the 'innovation challenge' in your chosen scenario. Suggest any additional improvements to the goals. Write your team goals on a document for your portfolio.

a. For each team goal, explain why the team chose the goal.

b. For each team goal, describe any changes made to the goal as a result of team discussion.

6. Develop a draft budget for team innovation activities.

7. Discuss with your team the role of each team member in contributing to the team goals. Discuss the strengths of each team member. On a document for your portfolio, write possible ways for each team member to contribute to the goals of the team. In your document, record the strengths of each team member, what you believe they can contribute to the collaboration, and their weaknesses (if any).

8. From the 'Potential team members' included in Appendix 2, select at least two team members who you think would complement your current team members. Make sure that you document your choice and include the reasons for your decision.

9. Work with your team to decide on the ground rules for how the team will work together. Write these rules on a document for your portfolio.

10. In your team, decide the responsibilities of each team member. Hold this discussion in a way that is likely to help the team work together and encourage innovation. On a document for your portfolio, write the responsibilities of each team member, explaining how and why the group decided this responsibility. Explain how you participated in this discussion and encouraged innovation.

11. Work in your group to create a schedule for team activities. Include, for example, meetings and any planned training. Include at least three activities, and make at least one a communication activity. Include the time, location, participants, description of the activity and the goals. Plan time for private reflective thinking, planning and innovation. Write this schedule in a document for your portfolio.

12. Work with your team to decide how and when innovative thinking will be rewarded in your team. Discuss how to ensure personal rewards will reward innovation in your team. Write the rewards on a document for your portfolio.

13. With your team, discuss an idea or issue you would like to research further and present to your team in an upcoming meeting.

14. Fill out the feedback form (provided in Appendix 3) for each member of your team. Collect feedback forms for your performance from each member of the team for your portfolio.

15. Submit all portfolio documents to your assessor following the specifications below. Ensure you keep a copy of all work submitted for your records.

Task 1 -

1. A document describing team goals

  • To develop a marketing campaign to launch the Cappuccino Café and its newest product Cafelato.
  • To generate brand awareness by means of using electronic media (social media and radio).
  • To use the origin of the brand (traditional Italian coffee) to develop its marketing campaign.
  • To create a unique identity in the mind of the customer by focusing on the key aspects of brand promise (quality and reliability).

2. A draft budget for team activities

3. A document describing which potential team members to include

4. A document describing strengths and weakness of current team members

5. A document describing team ground rules

6. A document describing innovation schedule

7. A feedback document from each team member (use appendix 3)

Identify any areas that the team member could improve to add more value to the teamwork process.

Identify opportunities for team members to improve their skills in innovation.

What are the major strengths of this team member?

Provide any other comments that you may have regarding the performance of the team member.

Project Task 2 - Support and guide innovation in a team environment

Performance objective - In this task you will demonstrate the skills and knowledge necessary to support and guide innovation in a team environment and reflect on how the team is working.

Assessment description - Using the scenario information supplied, the candidate will work within a team to model behaviour that encourages and supports innovation, such as seeking and using innovative ideas, sharing and discussing ideas, etc.

The candidate will then plan and lead an activity to encourage innovation. This activity should be based on the innovation tools and techniques discussed in Section 2 of the Learning Module.

The candidate will be given an opportunity to reflect on their performance and the team's performance and answer follow-up questions to demonstrate understanding of innovation and teamwork.

How to complete this task

1. Review the scenario for the case study organisation you selected in project Task 1.

2. Work with the same team as in project Task 1.

3. Reflect on the idea or topic you raised in project Task 1 to research further and discuss in an upcoming meeting.

4. Research the idea or topic. Reflect on and refine your innovative idea.

5. Plan how you will present and discuss the idea to your team in a team meeting. Plan an activity (such as brainstorming, mind mapping, 5-whys, force field analysis, etc.) that will help you explore, develop and refine the idea with your team.

6. Prepare to overcome barriers and objections to your idea. Hint: use feedback from project Task 1 to help you improve your performance in the team.

7. Arrange a time with your assessor for your team to be observed while you present your idea and conduct your activity and follow-up discussion.

8. Present your idea to your team and encourage participation and further discussion using your planned activity.

9. During the activity, use feedback from your team to develop and refine your idea.

10. During the activity, demonstrate techniques for overcoming barriers that may arise. Employ communication and resolution techniques in order to deal with objections and conflicting points of view.

11. Participate as other team members present their ideas and run their activities. Offer helpful criticism, comments, or objections where necessary. Celebrate and support other team members' innovative ideas.

Task 2.1 a meeting agenda

(A meeting agenda or outline of a group activity conducted by you.)

Task 2.2 Group activity meeting minutes or discussion notes.

Task 2.3 Follow up Questions Answer Sheet

1. Describe innovation in your own words.

a) What different kinds of innovation are there?

b) What type/s of innovation did your group show?

c) What are the benefits of innovation?

d) Explain how innovative proposals decided on or discussed are economical and practical.

2. How do you think you performed in the team meeting?

a) Did you use feedback from Assessment Task 1 to improve your team performance? If so, how?

b) Based on your impressions and feedback received from your team, how would you improve your performance?

3. How would you build constructive feedback and two-way communication into future team activities?

a) How would you communicate key issues to colleagues?

b) What are the challenges of being innovative in an open and constructive way?

4. How would you implement the innovative solutions you have come up with as a team?

a) What measures would you take to ensure successful take-up?

b) How would you communicate the changes?

5. Describe the internal and external factors that contribute to a team becoming and remaining innovative including:

a) team characteristics

b) the role of group dynamics and diversity (for example, cultural background, religion, gender)

c) broader environmental factors, for example, the culture of the workplace, the wider political, economic, social or technological environment

6 Explain how activities can encourage or hinder innovation in a team, including:

a) planning and scheduling of time and activities

b) modelling behaviour

c) providing rewards and recognition

d) planning communications

e) providing feedback.

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Dissertation: Bsbinn301 promote innovation in a team environment
Reference No:- TGS02918168

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