
Bsbinm601 manage knowledge and information - review how

Assessment Task 1: Project

Performance objective

The candidate will demonstrate the ability to complete research on the topic

Assessment description
Research the topic "Review how companies manage knowledge and information today in order to support decision making:"

- Using the requirements below, complete the project and develop in presentation form.
- Maintain all documents in an orderly manner, clearly named and dated.
- Present your findings to the class as scheduled by the assessor.

- You must provide:
- A written project of approximately 2,000 words
- A presentation to the class of your research
- Neatness, correct spelling and grammar form part of the overall assignment mark. Number of words is not a requirement, the emphasis being on QUALITY, not quantity

Your assessor will be looking for:
- Completed documentation
- Demonstration that you neatly and fully completed all tasks
- Clearly presented the information to the class using appropriate equipment


This is an individual assignment. You are required to research an organisation of your choice.

You are to research how companies manage knowledge and Information today. What methods are employed, such as MIS, DSS, EIS and ES?

How has technology impacted on the ways that companies support decision-making?

Next research a major company, such as a car-manufacturer or an airline company and determine what business problems they are currently faced with.

Give an overview of these issues (either as you see them or that are actually recognised) and then discuss what would be the appropriate methods of determining how best to manage those issues, arriving at a decision?

What types of data would be important?

What changes has already occurred in recent times and why? How do you think that the company arrived at this/these decisions?

Part 1:

Research the assignment and produce a report in hard copy of approximately 2,000 words. You can use the internet but you must ensure that a significant majority (85% plus) of the assignment is you own work, excluding any charts or pictures used (or any attachments). Any information provided by external parties and used within the report must be clearly referenced, both within the body of the assignment and under references at the very end of the report.

You will need to incorporate sourced evidence from your research into your report and presentation.

Part 2:

Prepare a presentation to the class which addresses the research questions. Use of electronic media to present the presentation is encouraged (such as PowerPoint). A hard-copy of the assignment is to be handed in upon completion of the presentation. The presentation will have a limit of 15 minutes (maximum) but of no less than 10 minutes. Your teacher will set the actual time parameters and schedule.

Report format

Section 1: Written Submission

1. Introduction to assignment

2. MIS/DSS/EIS and ES, methods used today and why

3. How has technology impacted on decision-making?

4. Introduction to your chosen company (overview

5. Research of a company, issues & business problems

6. Conclusions and recommendations

Section 2: Class Presentation

1. Presentation of hard-copy report to class (presentation skills)

2. Use of tools (such as PowerPoint, hand-outs, posters, etc.)

Assessment Task 2

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.


1. Complete all questions as directed.

2. Use only a blue or black pen. No pencils permitted except for diagrams.

3. The use of electronic translators that can be uploaded is NOT permitted.

4. Mobile phones must be turned OFF. A mobile phone in use during an exam may result in a disqualification from completing the assessment.

5. No talking is permitted at any time, including when leaving the exam

6. No form of cheating is acceptable. Students caught with cheat-sheets, writing on selves or clothing, etc. will be immediately excluded from the assessment.

7. Examiners reserve the right to confiscate exam papers.

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Project Management: Bsbinm601 manage knowledge and information - review how
Reference No:- TGS02326964

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